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Feeling slowly drifts back into my numb body. I lift my head to find that I am in a classroom. But this is not just any classroom.
Steel plates line the window, and strange monitors and cameras sit along the walls.
What the hell is this? This can't be Hope's peak.
I must've been kidnapped... I'm rather wealthy, so it is not hard to believe that someone would abduct me in an attempt to get their hands on my money.

My eyes fall on a woman, laying with her head on a desk. She appears to be asleep... or maybe unconscious, as I was.
I lift myself from the desk and approach her, poking her harshly in the back with my silver ring.
"Now come on, get up."
She lifts her head and looks around.
"Ah." She whispers quietly.
Showing no emotion, she stands from the desk and makes her way to the steel plates, running her fingers along the sides. Next, she examines the video monitor and camera, checking each and every line and screw.
I quietly observe her, as she interests me. The average person would be scared or concerned at the very least, but she is completely calm and cool.

After she has finished, she turns to me, brushing her silky lavender hair out of her eyes and looking me up and down.
I force a fake smile.
"Hello. Who might you be?"
"Why is it any of your business?"
She's a sharp one. How annoying.
"I just wished to introduce myself. But if that's too forward for you, then so be it."
"Now doesn't really seem like the time for pleasantries, does it?"
I smile wryly.
"True, indeed."
"Certainly. Am I correct in assuming you are a student at Hope's Peak Academy?"
"Yes. And so are you, right?"
"Hmm... how peculiar."
"Very peculiar indeed."

We stand and stare at each other for a minute. I can tell that she's sizing me up, trying to read me. How foolish.
"I suppose I am ready to introduce myself now." She says flatly. "I am Kirigiri Kyoko."
"Very nice to meet you. But if I may ask, what is your Ultimate? All Hope's peak academy students have an ultimate talent, yes?"
"What is yours, then?"

Aha. This one is a difficult one. I can tell that she's going to be troublesome.
"Very well. I am Celestia Ludenberg, the Ultimate Gambler."
"Gambler, hm? Impressive. But if I may ask, what's your real name?"
I feel my heart skip a beat.
"W-what do you mean? That is my name."
"You are Japanese, correct?"
"That's an odd name for a Japanese girl."
"My parents were odd people."
She clearly doesn't believe me, but she seems to understand that pushing it further won't yield any results.
This woman is simply a pest. I may have to exterminate her. It shouldn't be difficult.

"It appears that these plates aren't going to budge, so we must turn to the next most logical course of action.
"Indeed. But what would that be?"
"Well, I-"

The sound of a bell echoes throughout the room. A loud click, and the monitor flickers on to reveal a shadowy figure.
It speaks in a cursed voice that sends chills running down my spine.
"Hello, students! Please proceed to the gym for the entrance ceremony! The gym is the room with the big red door! I'll see you there!"
The monitor clicks off.
"Hmm... how very strange." Kirigiri  mutters.
"Yes... well, what should we do next?"
"I suggest we head to the gym. It is the only way to find out what is going on here."
"Then let us depart."

She steps out through the door and I follow her.
The hallway is dark and eerie, with a foreboding and upside-down atmosphere. Something is definitely wrong about this place.
Kirigiri seems to notice it too, as she stiffens her posture and quickens her pace.

After a while, we arrive at the previously mentioned large red door. She pushes it open with no hesitation.
There's a large group of people waiting inside. If I had to guess, there are about 11 or 12. They all turn to face us as we enter.
"Oh, hey! You guys are also Hope's Peak Academy students, right?"
"So this really can't be a coincidence after all! I told you!"
"Shut up."
"Well, now we just have to find out why we're all here!"
"You said that 5 minutes ago."
Everyone starts talking all at once. Kyoko slips away to the back of the crowd. I try to go after her, but I'm stopped by a large boy.
"H-hello there! I-I just wanted to say that you look exactly like Princess Haruka from The Tales of Niko-land!"
Ugh, he's one of those otakus. Disgusting.
"Ah, thank you! You are too kind."
"I've never met anyone who looks exactly like her before! Is this a cosplay?"
"No. This is not a cosplay."
"Well, that's even more amazing! Oh wow! This is so exciting!" He gushes grossly. "I'm Yamada Hifumi, the Ultimate Fanfiction writer! But you can call me by my nickname, 'The Alpha and The Omega!' "
He puffs out his chest proudly. How disgusting.
I force my smile, doing my very best to hide how much I want to punt him into the sun.
"It's very nice to meet you, Yamada! I am Celestia Ludenberg, the Ultimate Gambler!"
"T-the Ultimate Gambler? Omigosh! You're exactly like Yumeko!"
He claps his hands excitedly. Oh, what I wouldn't give to watch you burn slowly at the stake...

Suddenly, a boy comes bursting through the door. Everyone crowds around him, asking more stupid questions.
I slip in next to Kirigiri, who is the only one that seems uninterested in the new boy.
"You certainly seem clingy."
"You're the only one in here with half a brain. Talking to those idiots is so tiring."
She raises her eyebrow, and I realize that I dropped character.
"Ah, um... pardon moi!" I smile sweetly, but she doesn't seem convinced. I hastily change the topic.
"Well, Miss Kirigiri. What do you know of gambling? I know that this is not the time for small talk, but I'm curious."
"I haven't done much, but it's interesting. A game fully dependent on luck, chance and a little bit of skill... maybe I should try it out."
"I get the feeling that you would be good at it."
"Thank you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to."
She approaches a familiar woman with bushy pink hair.
Wait, I recognize her... Enoshima Junko, the Ultimate Fashionista. She's a world famous model, with fans all over the globe.
But she looks strange. Something about her just doesn't fit... maybe Kirigiri noticed it too.

"Uh, hey there."
I turn to see the new boy.
"What do you want?"
"Oh, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Naegi Makoto, the Ultimate Lucky Student."
"Ah, of course. I'm Celestia Ludenberg, the Ultimate Gambler. But you can call me Celeste."
"Well, Celeste, it's nice to meet you!" He smiles warmly. I can already tell that he's not going to be a problem. He seems too naive, too soft-hearted.
"It is nice to meet you too, Naegi." I say, putting on my sweetest smile. His cheeks flush a pale pink.
"T-thank you!"
He grins sheepishly at me before moving on to talk to a dark-haired boy.

I suppose I should introduce myself to more people. I need to analyze everyone, to see who could possibly be a threat. Introductions are the very best way to do that.

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