Stranger Danger

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I wake up early, as per usual. Putting in my extensions and doing my makeup takes a while, so I've learnt to wake up earlier than most.

After dressing, I decide to take a walk and explore the school a little more. Since I may be in this school for a while, memorizing the layout is vital.
The hallways are dark and sinister, and I feel goosebumps arising on my arms. I'm not entirely fond of the dark, but emotions such as 'fear' are useless, so I've learnt to subdue them.
"Hello there, Miss Ludenberg."
I whirl around, reaching for the blade hidden underneath the folds of my skirt and looking about for where that voice came from.
"Who's there?" I say sharply, scanning the dimly-lit hallway for any signs of danger.
"You seem very jumpy."
Kirigiri steps out from the shadows, her expression cold and unreadable as per usual.
I allow myself to relax slightly, but my hand remains on the hilt of my dagger. Letting my guard down would be the worst possible mistake that I could make in this situation.
"Is it not best to always remain cautious, especially considering our current situation?"
"I suppose you're right. But you don't have to be scared of me. What do I have to gain from killing you?"
"That's the thing, Miss Kirigiri. I have no idea who you are or what your life is like, so I could never guess what your motivations for murder would be, or if you even have the capacity for it. You could be plotting to slit my throat right now and I would never know. So I have every reason to be cautious of you, for the unknown is better off feared."
She pauses for a moment, thinking over my words, before nodding slightly.
"You've impressed me. Well done."
"I try."

We walk down the halls together in silence. I sense that her motivation for strolling about this early are the same as mine, as she often stops to examine doors and paintings.
We turn the corner into a even more dimly-lit corridor. As my eyes begin to adjust to the darkness, I spot a shadowy figure moving in the dark ahead. I grab Kirigiri by the arm to stop her, pointing to the person. She nods stiffly and pulls me into the shadows, crouching down so that we're less likely to be noticed.
The figure is tall and slender, with short hair that barely touches their shoulders. They lean causally against the wall, as though waiting for someone. I lean forward to try and get a better look, but my skirt brushes against the wall, making a slight rustling noise.
Their head turns sharply in our direction, and they stand from the wall, their hand reaching down to their belt. How the hell did they hear that? That must have exceptional hearing.
"Sister?" They say softly.
I can't recognize their voice. I tilt my head slightly towards Kirigiri, and she shrugs.
"Sister? Are you there?" They say again, drawing what looks like a dagger from their belt. I reach down to my blade.
"She wouldn't be this careful..." the person mutters to themself, before straightening up into an attack pose.
"Listen here. I know you're there. I'm not afraid to hurt you, whoever you are."
Suddenly, they pull a pistol out from their pocket.
"You see these? They aren't the only weapons I have. And running will do you no good."
They stand tall, face hidden in the shadows, knife in one hand and gun in the other. Cold sweat trickles down my forehead as they step ever closer to where we crouch, vulnerable and unprotected.
"I don't want to kill you. She wouldn't like that. So I'm going to be generous. If you want to be alive when the sun comes up, then forget about me. You never saw me, never heard my voice, never met me. You were sleeping late this morning. I don't exist. Right?"
I daren't answer. Giving away our location is the last thing I want to do right now.
A loud bang echoes about the hallway and a bullet clatters to the floor, leaving a smoking dent in the wall an inch away from Kirigiri's face. The stranger blows on the muzzle of the pistol and reloads it, pointing it directly at my head.
"You never saw me, right?"
"... right."
They nod curtly and slip the gun away, disappearing into the shadows once again.

We remain still for a few minutes. Or half an hour. Or a few days.
"I think they're gone." Kirigiri eventually whispers, straightening up and shaking her legs. I slide down to the floor, my calves aching from crouching so long.
"W-who was that?" I mutter shakily.
"I don't know... I never saw their face."
"Well, whoever they are, they're someone to fear. They way they discovered and pulled fire on us so casually..."
"I agree. It's almost as if they're...
"... beyond human."
She smiles ever so slightly and reaches a hand out to help me up.
"We mustn't tell the others about this."
"I agree. It would only put them in danger. But we should investigate it individually. I don't know about you, but I'm very interested in the identity of this mysterious person."
"Exactly what I was thinking. But I don't think we should pursue the topic anymore for now. They could still be nearby."

The lights in the hallway had brightened slightly, as though simulating sunrise. I can hear the chatter and footsteps of people emerging from their rooms.
"For now, I think we should just join the others for breakfast. It would seem suspicious if we weren't there."
As we make our way to the dining hall, the shadowy figure flashes back into my mind...
I have the strangest feeling that they're important to this situation. But do I really want to find out how important they are?
Any sane person would say no. But I am no normal person.
I am Taeko Yasuhiro, and I will solve this godanm mystery and get out of this fucking school no matter what.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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