The what and the why

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I finish introducing myself to everyone, and slip away to the corner of the room. I'm in no real mood to talk anymore than I already have.
Kirigiri approaches me, her lips pursed and her brows furrowed.
"Is something the matter, Miss Kirigiri?"
"We've been kidnapped and locked in a school, Celestia. Everything is the matter."
"Well, I'm very impressed by how calm you are in this situation."
"I've learnt to keep my emotions in check. And I assume the same is true for you."
"I suppose you could say that."
We stand together and watch the chaos unfold before us. Everyone is yelling and running about, trying to figure out what's going on.
I hate, hate, hate all of this noise.
I appear to not be the only uncomfortable one, as Kirigiri shifts about on the balls of her feet restlessly.
"I must admit, this is extremely irritating."
"I agree. All these people are too emotional. They refuse to calm down and think rationally."
"Well, not everyone has the ability to control their emotions like you and I do."
"That is a misfortune I'm well aware of, Miss Kirigiri."
The sides of her lips curl upwards slightly as though she's about to smile, but she quickly stiffens her expression.
"Why do you think that we've been taken?"
"There are millions of reasons why, the most obvious that most of us are extremely wealthy and well-known."
"That may be true... but what about people such as Naegi or Hagakure? And I am not very well-known either."
"But are you wealthy?"
"Relatively, but not worth all of this."
"Well, then perhaps we should examine all of the less obvious reasons. Maybe they..."

*click, bzzzt*
The same eerie voice from before echoes around the walls of the gym.
"Hello, Students of Hope's Peak! I welcome you to your entrance ceremony! I hope you'll enjoy your time here!"
"See, I told you! It's not threatening at all! This is just part of the orientation program!" Asahina says cheerfully.
"I'm not so sure about that..." Kirigiri says sternly, pointing to the podium on the stage.
The sight before my eyes makes my stomach turn...

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