The Losers

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Dear Diary,
I met a boy today. I don't know about him, he acts kind of sketchy but there is something about him that sucks me in. I kind of like him. Spencer told me not to talk to him she feels that "he's from the wrong side of the tracks" whatever that means! I want to get to know him. He was in some gangs when he was younger I learned. His name is Caleb Rivers.

"Hey Han wait up" I hear a excited voice say behind me. I turn around to see Mona. Mona is my best friend. We used to be inseparable before I became close to my old group. Me and Mona became popular together, we stole, we where all each other had. Now I have my old friends back and I think she feels left out.
"Hey Mona, I need a new pair of shoes, skip after 5th?" I respond with a smile on my face. I need Mona to help me steal them, also the others won't skip to go to the mall, I wish they would though. "I wouldn't miss it for anything" Mona says with a smile on her face as we walk to class.

Right now me and Mona are the most popular girls in the school. We replaced Alison after she went missing. It was hard work rebuilding your reputation from the Fat nerd girl to ms popular, but we did. No one is even trying to take it from use. Somedays I think about what would happen if Alison was still alive, if she still went to this school, what that would mean for me. Would I still be fat and unpopular or even friends with Mona. If you knew Alison at all you would know how much she hated Mona. She had so many nicknames for us, for example "Hefty Hanna" or "Loser Mona". Some days I even hope that she would come back and see me and Mona and be proud of us, like that would ever happen.

Alison was my friend. But now I realize she didn't treat me like a friend she treated me like a follower. By having us it made her more powerful she had more control over the world. Don't get me wrong I loved Ali she gave me a new look on life and gave me amazing friends but some good things must come to an end. And they did!
Sorry it was kind of boring but I promise it will get more interesting soon!

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