The Boy?

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Dear Diary,
I decided that I want to talk to Caleb. I feel like I need to talk to him, I don't know why. Also I stole the shoes that I wanted with Mona's help and I love them. I'm hoping to talk to Caleb tomorrow!

I hated my skirt today it was all clingy to my body. I just wasn't having a good day. Spencer and I got into a fight about Caleb In the girls bathroom. She was trying to tell me to stay away from him but I was refusing to not talk to him. Now she won't even talk to me which makes my day even worse. Aria is at Fitz's and Emily is going to the movies with Maya. So I decided to invite Caleb over, considering that my mom wasn't going to be home. I saw him today and I realized how cute he is.

"Hey Caleb, wait up" I say as I run up behind him. He was walking in a way that made me feel like he had somewhere to be. I don't really care though because I really want to talk to him. "What's a pretty girl like you talking to a guy like me?" He says in a funny voice. I laugh, I didn't know how to say what I wanted to tell him. I hoped he would be okay and come to my house. "So Caleb, do you want to come over to my house tonight?" I say in a questioning voice. Of course Spencer just happened to walk by as we where talking, that's like the worst thing that could have happened. She had a glare on her face as she passed, I assumed she was pissed. "Is Hanna Marin asking me on a date?" He says as he stops walking to star at me. "I think she is." I respond with a smile on my face. I was so excited I hope he says yes. "How could I say no to such a beautiful girl." That was it I started to blush. I felt very uncomfortable like everyone in the entire school was staring at me. "See you tonight" I say with the biggest smile on my face.

I run down the hallway to Mona's locker. I don't know what she will say but I hope it's not like Spencer. "Hey Mona I got myself a date with Caleb Rivers!" I grin. I was so excited I felt like I had to tell everyone. "You go Han, snatch that hot new boy right up" she said in such a happy voice. We both laugh and start to walk to class. I only have to wait 5 hours for my date but it feels like a year.
So it's starting to get better! I hope you like it so far:)

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