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It is love we must hold on to

     SHŌTŌ TODOROKI SAT on the table of borders with his father and other nobles

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     SHŌTŌ TODOROKI SAT on the table of borders with his father and other nobles. They discussed about the empire affairs, from the economy to the laws, to upcoming events. Today just so happens to be the day of the Light Year Festival.

     Unfortunately for Shōtō, he wasn't allowed outside the castle walls until his coming of age and debut. And he is still sixteen. Usually, an empire or kingdom cannot appoint a crown prince unless debuted, but this case was an exception since the other candidates for the throne were... Unworthy, as the Emperor said.

     Shōtō fought the urge to yawn, his eyes blinking slowly. He really wanted to be in the library right now, or his room, hell-- he can even do the piled up paperwork in the office. Just not here. He just... Really can't do this today.

     A brilliant idea just came to his mind. If he could sneak out the castle walls, just for this festival. Maybe... Just maybe--

     "The crown prince is already sixteen. In two years time he will come of age, we must decide on a wife. For the future of the Empire!" One raised their voice, attempting to bring the topic to marriage.

     Shōtō's mood dropped. This shit again. He did not show it at his face but he was annoyed. The Duke that spoke had a daughter, however, she was only ten this year. The Duke was trying to get his daughter to betrothed at this age? How shameless.

    Fortunately-unfortunately, his father spoke up and concluded the meeting. Shōtō was the second to sit up, next to his father, and walked out of the hall. None thought this was disrespectful, for he has the right to do it.

     Shōtō walked through the endless hallways, out Castle Leona and into Castle Mart, where the princes and princesses stay. He headed in his room, closing the door shut.

     "Tenya, Kyoka, I'll be sneaking out so don't do anything ballsy while I'm gone." He ordered, seeing Jiro and Iida drinking tea in his room, as usual.

     Iida helped prepare the prince's clothes, a cape with a hood to cover his hair. It was a good thing that no one knew what he looked like apart from the rumours that he was handsome.

     Shōtō didn't bother to give a farewell as he puts up his hood and jumps out the window. He runs out of Castle Mart, heading to the west district, where the commoners usually reside.

     But before getting to the district, he needed to go beyond the castle walls. There was a gate, obviously, however, it was heavily guarded. Despite the heavily guarded gate, Shōtō easily passed through it.

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