Chapter 8- Going Home

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I woke up the morning at about 9am. 

The nurses gave me my breakfast and then help me get dressed. 

I went on my phone and let my friends know that I was going back home today. 

I sat there, feeling relaxed and good. 

I started to move around and then I felt a sharp pain in my back and chest. 

"Ah!" I winced. 

It felt a stabbing pain all throughout my torso. 

I pressed the button to alert the nurses.

2 nurses come inside to check on me. 

"What's wrong, dear?" One of them ask me. 

"My chest and back hurt!" I replied through gritted teeth. 

"Calm down and just sit down. Here, take this medicine." The nurse gave me some painkillers and some water. 

The pain began to sooth down, eventually. 

"When did you begin to feel the pain?" She asked me. 

"I was just changing the position that I was sitting in, and then the areas where they stitched me up started hurting a lot." I explained. 

"Oh, that's perfectly normal. You won't be able to sit up, stand or walk for a couple of weeks or even months. After all, you did have a major surgery. A lot was affected." She reassured me. 

"So, how am I supposed to do anything?" I asked her. 

"You'll be given a wheelchair and someone will have to help you get around. I'm sure you're parents have already taken care of this, so there's no reason to worry." The nurse said as she turned to leave my room. 

"Rest for a while, you're going to be going home soon." She added as she opened the door.

"Thank you.." I called out as she left. 

I still couldn't believe everything that my stepbrothers had done to me. 

Jimin was disgusting... Taehyung was a lunatic... And Jungkook was perverted.. 

Actually, they were all the same, but they did things differently. i couldn't even fight back anymore. I was going to be stuck in a wheelchair for who knows how long. I just had to hope for the best..

A couple of hours later the whole family came into my hospital room.

"Hey, sweetie!" My mom said as she came to hug me. 

"Ow!" I winced. 

"Oh, what happened?!" She asked as she jumped up.

"My stitches are sensitive, so it hurts when I move too fast or do something without any support on my back and chest." I explained as I leaned back. 

"I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't know." She told me as she pats my head. 

"Are you ready to come home dear?" My stepfather asked me. 

My stepbrothers caught my eye for a second. 

They were all smirking at me. They knew I couldn't do any self defense so they were probably going to do something really bad.. They were waiting for an answer. 

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