Chapter 42- I Can't Leave You, But I Have To

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You went to go and find Jungkook. He was in his room. You ran up from behind him and gave him a back hug. "Surprise!" You shouted. He stayed quiet. "Uh.. Kookie?" You called out his name. He gently pushed you away from him. "Are you okay..?" You asked him. "You can't be here.." He finally said. "What do you mean..?" You asked, confused. "Leave.." He told you. You looked at him with a confused expression on your face. "I said, leave." He raised his voice. "Are you mad at me or something..?" You asked, trying to look for a rational explanation.

He grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him. He smashed his lips onto yours. You were so confused. You kissed him back. He harshly pulled away. He held a firm grip on your wrist and dragged you out of his room. He slammed the door. What the heck..? You slowly went back to your own room. You finished packing your things and then sat down on the bed. Tears started forming in your eyes. A tear rolled down your cheek, but then you quickly wiped it away.

Someone knocked on the door. "Come in.." You told them. It was Seokjin. He walked inside and sat down beside you. "Are you all ready to go?" He asked. You nodded. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I.. I'm just sad that I have to leave Baekhyun again.." You made up an excuse. He put his arm around you. Your eyes widened. He pulled you closer. "Sometime, it's hard to say goodbye. You'll see him again. Don't worry." He reassured you. "I hadn't seen him in over 3 years I last saw him when we were both 13 years old. I didn't know where he was, what he number was or anything." You told him. "Why don't you ask for his number now?" He asked. "I did.. He already gave it to me." You said. He nodded.

"Well.. I'm gonna go help everyone else get ready to go. I'll see you later. Oh, and come down to the lobby in about 10 minutes." He said before he got up. You nodded, fake smiled and then watched him go. You felt tears forming in your eyes again. Jungkook would know how to comfort you. If only he wasn't the one who had made you feel so upset and lonely. You wiped your tears away and then got up. You went to the bathroom for the last time before you left to go down. You came out and then sat on your bed again. You took your phone out and replied to some messages.

It was no use. Nothing could distract you from him. All you could think about was his touch, kisses, cuddles, hair and his bunny smile. You sighed, sadly. You looked at the time and realized that it had been 10 minutes. You stood up, grabbed the handles of your 2 suitcases and started dragging them out of the door. You closed the door and locked it. You put the kept into your pocket. You went over to the elevator. An elderly couple were about to go inside, so you waited. You stood by the door and waited for the elevator to come back up.

Someone came up from behind you and took your bags from you. You looked at him and it was Jungkook. What was his deal? You took them back from him. He snatched them back. The elevator arrived and the doors opened. He pushed you inside and pulled your bags in with him. "What is wrong with you?!" You yelled at him in annoyance. The doors closed and he dropped your bags. He grabbed your face and stuffed it in his. He was kissing you and you were kissing him back. He pinned you against the wall and caused your back to push all the buttons down. The elevator went up when it was supposed to be going down.

You pulled away. He stared at you. You wiped your mouth. "W-What are you doing?!" You asked. "Baby girl, I can't take it anymore!" He shouted. "Can't take what?!" You asked him in confusion. "I was told to stay away from you.. Father found out about us and forbid me from seeing you alone. I know it's only been 30 minutes since he gave me those orders, but it made me realize how much I loved you even more!" He told you. You stayed silent. He held your hands. "I didn't mean to make you sad.. I love you." He extended his arms, signalling you to come and hug him. You were glued to the spot. You were so confused.

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