Sexy ogre time

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*Your point of view*

Quickly I run over to the sexy ogre and scream "OMG YOU'RE LITERALLY MY HUSBAND!!" I latch myself onto his sexy bod and try to kiss him. He lets out a scream of fear.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" He yells while trying to get me off of him. He finally gets me off of him and backs away.

I take a closer look at him and take in all his hotness. He's even more hot in person, ITS A DREAM COME TRUE!! I try to gather myself and act normal.

"Hi I'm y/n, your new lover!" I say while smiling at him. He looks at me with disgust. GASP WHY WOULD HE LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT?? DOES HE NOT SEE HOW SEXY I AM?? Maybe he's blind from all that mud. That must explain why he chose nasty ass Fiona. Maybe I'll get him glasses so he can see I'm perfect for him.

"Get away from me already, I don't even know you" He says to me. DONT WORRY THOUGH SHREK YOU'LL KNOW ME VVVEERRYYY WELL SOON ;).

He quickly walks back to his house and I follow him. Perfect opportunity to find out where he lives. He slams the door in my face and closes the curtains. That's fine though, I'll just wait right here for him.

and that's when I see it.... A DRAGON COME DOWN WITH DONKEY ON HER BACK!

to be continued.....

k that chapter is done for today make sure to share with your friends and don't forget to follow our instagram which is maniacdrawings

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