Chapter 14: Unforeseen Complication!

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Hello Everyone,
Sorry that this Chapter was late. I wanted to get it done about 4 days ago but I just couldn't finish it. But now I have and I hope you enjoy!

I hate school...

Ash's POV
'Our routine so far today has been the same as yesterday. Waking up, getting ready, then eating at the same café. Now here we are, at the same forest as yesterday. Nothing seemed off at all.'

"Ash?" Goh called my name behind me.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"What if these reports are actually some kind of prank? Maybe this 'Pokémon' doesn't exist," Goh said.

"Goh, have some faith! After all there are dozens of reports of this 'Pokémon' so it's likely that it does exist somewhere in this forest. Maybe we're just looking in the wrong place," I told him.

"I guess you're right!" Goh calmly remarked.

'After that we kept walking throughout the forest. The further we went the more we lost hope that we would find that Pokémon.'

The wind shifting by passing through the forest. I closed my eyes for a few seconds to take into the beauty for nature. I reopen them to see the back of myself, Goh, and Pikachu.

I was about to say let's take a different path towards the North-East part of the forest, but then I realized something...

'How am I able to see the backside of me if I'm here?!'

I blink again am now I'm back in my own eyes. I turn behind me to see if there was someone there but there was nothing at all. 'What just happened? Is this another dream?'

Goh noticed me looking back and questioned "Do you see something Ash?"

"I thought I saw something but it was nothing," I explained.

'Maybe I just didn't get enough sleep last night' I told myself.

With that we kept traversing through and I tell Goh that we should take the path leading to the North-East part of the forest.

Goh's POV
'Ash has been acting weird lately. Ever since we went to Alola he's been different. He did say he misses his friends... Maybe I tomorrow I can meet them. I'd have to ask Ash first if that's okay.'

"Umm..." was all I could blurt out.

"Do you need to say something Goh?" Ash asked me.

"Oh, no it's nothing. I just thought I saw something," I said to save myself for this conversation.

Ash nodded and we both continued progressing into the forest. Soon we came to a clearing.

"This clearing looks similar to the one we saw yesterday," Ash spoke.

"How can you tell?" I questioned him.

"There are no berries on the trees and bushes. Also we're in the North-East part of the forest and I didn't head this way yesterday," Ash explained. "How about we take a quick breather here," he continued.

"Okay!" I responded while taking off my bag and grabbing out Raboot and Sobble's Pokéballs. I open them up letting them both out to rest.

I grab some of the Pokémon food from my bag and the bowls for them. I give both Raboot and Sobble some and I watch them both nibble down on the chow.

Ash grabs a bag of snacks and shares them with  Pikachu. All of us eating peacefully was nice.

It was then that the ground started quaking.

"We gotta get out of here!" Ash screamed.

I quickly grabbed my bag and returned Sobble and Raboot to their Pokéballs. The ground continued to quake. It seemed as though it was chasing us. The more we ran the worse it got.

Ash's POV
'What kind of Pokémon can do this?!' We continued to run and run but the ground became harder to stand on with the constant shaking.

'The more we run the worse it'll get, so we have to stand and fight'

And with that I turned around, stood my ground, and prepared for attack.

"I'm letting you do this alone!" Goh stated as he stood beside me.

The shaking continued but, all of a sudden it stopped. I anticipated for something to happen but it just stopped.

Me and Goh looked at each other confused as to why it stopped. Silence grew and when we least expected it the ground shook worse than before.

The ground began to crack open like an egg. Seems as though what ever is below is trying to escape up to the surface. More and more cracks along the ground appeared until something emerged from the center of it all.

Piles of dirt and rock sent flying in all directions. Luckily nothing him me and Goh, but what I was terrified me.

What laid before our eyes was a giant black vine with what appeared to be red veins coursing through it.

Without hesitation I grabbed out Sceptile's Pokéball threw it out and gave my command.


After those words Sceptile emerged from the ball and a sharp blade appeared on both his arms. As he approached the rampaging vine ready to strike, out of no where a faint blur appeared in the trees above.

Whatever it is, it was too quick to get a clear view. Sceptile was reaching the vine but the blur caught up in an instant. The blur charged at the vine and with the blink of an eye the vine was cut in two.

The vine toppled over. No sign of movement. Goh and I were shocked at the scene. I looked up in the tree to find the thing responsible for taking out the vine but whoever or whatever it had vanished.

Goh finally snapped out of his shock and ran over to investigate the vine. The sun was starting to set and I told him that we should head back to the hotel before it's gets too dark.

Goh takes a couple of pictures on his Rotom Phone and we went back towards the hotel.

An Hour Later...
"What was that blur? What are my dreams? How many more vines are there?" I mutter to myself.

Goh's POV
'I'm not able to hear Ash exactly but I can tell that this is becoming more than he can handle'

We both lie down in our beds and a few minutes pass. 'I'm unsure if Ash is asleep or not, but I might as well give it a shot.'

"Ash? Are you still awake?" I say softly.

"Yeah," he fainted replied.

"Ash, I think we should take a break from researching this," I explain.

"Why?" he asks.

"Umm... Well... I can see that this is becoming too much for you and you need sometime to relax," I answer.

"Okay. We can stop, but what are we going to do?" Ash said.

"You said you have friends here in Kalos right?" I question.

"Yeah..." he answers.

"How about we go and visit them. I'm sure that they'll get your mind off of this. Where do they live in Kalos?" I continue.

"Well, they actually live here in Lumiose City," Ash spoke.

"Alright!" I shout in joy. "First thing tomorrow we'll go and see them!"

"Wait, there's one thing I've always wanted to do if I ever saw them again," Ash told me.

"What is it?" I asked.

Ash got out of his bed, came over to me and whispered his plan.

I laughed at it but then his look became serious. "Wait you actually want to do that?!"

Well I hope you all enjoyed and I guess I'll see you next time!

-Charlie (Amourshipper)
Twitter: @ Amour_4Life

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