Chapter 15: Shopping Plan!

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I'm having a wonderful day today!
I hope it's that same for all of you!
Anyways Enjoy this Chapter!

Ash's POV
Me and Goh both wake up to the sound of the alarm ready for the day ahead. We stopped quickly at the Café again for some chow. I chose to have pancakes while Goh had an omelet.

Afterwards we set off. "So Ash? Where do your friends live exactly?" Goh asked.

I answer "I'll show you soon but first we need to get the things for my plan remember?"

"Oooohhhh, right!" Goh replied.

With that we went to the boutique on the opposite side of town. It was a long walk but me and Goh managed it.

As we arrived we could see the sign above reading "Boutique Couture". Entering you see dozens upon dozens of clothes all on shelves and hangers.

Goh wasn't here to buy anything so he mostly looked at all the nice clothing around the shop. Meanwhile I grab a gray t-shirt, black jeans, and I big red hat that would probably fly away while you're wearing it outside.

'Will this really work?' I start to doubt myself. 'It's still worth a shot!'

So I walk over to the counter top and pay for the batch of clothes I grabbed. At leave the Boutique to see Goh waiting outside.

"I didn't see anything that interested me," he explained. "We're you able to find what you needed for your plan though?" he asked afterwards.

"I sure was, I just hope it works!" I answer.

"So... Where do they live?" Goh questioned.

"They don't live far from here but they're not going to be at home," I said.

"How do you know? Did you call them?" Goh says confused.

"Nope, but I know where they are," I say answering him.

"How though?" He continues to question.

"My friend you see, is the Lumiose City Gym Leader!" I exclaim.

Goh's jaw dropped to the floor in shock.

"Well let's get going!" I say while laughing at his expression and started running towards Prism Tower.

"Hey Wait Up!" Goh screamed after his shock.

After a about 30 or so minutes of walking we were finally approaching the tower. Before we went int though we went to the Pokémon center nearby so I could change into the clothes I bought and heal my Pokémon.

Finally with that we walked up to Prism Tower. Looking up at it makes you an ant. Electricity flowing throughout the entire building. Soon lightning started coursing through my veins.

I entered with my heart ready to see my friends again. 'I wonder how much they've changed'

Goh's POV
"Wait a minute Ash? How does you plan going to go work if he's a gym leader?" I ask.

Flashback to Last Night
"Wait, there's one thing I've always wanted to do if I ever saw them again," Ash told me.

"What is it?" I asked.

Ash got out of his bed, came over to me and whispered "I want to disguise myself  and see if they can find out if it's me."

Flashback Ends
"What do you mean?" Ash asks clueless.

"If he's a gym leader wouldn't he be busy with challengers?" I question him.

"That's why I bought these clothes," Ash said.

"Now you're just confusing me," I told him.

"I'm gonna challenge him to a gym battle!" Ash cried out.


Ash just laughed and soon we reached doors made of steel with a tv screen displaying a Pokéball flying though lighting.

"Welcome to Lumiose Gym," a robotic voice from the tv greeted.

"My name is Erin and I'm from Goldenrod City in the Johto Region. I want to have a Gym Battle!" Ash said but in a deeper voice.

"How many badges do you have?" the robotic voice asked.

He continued to deepen his voice "I currently have seven badges and I'm here to earn my final one!"

"Your challenge has been accepted," the robotic voice explained. Afterwards the metal doors started slowly opening revealing the battlefield. And on the other side stood standing was the guy I saw in Ash's photo.

'What's gonna happen now?'

And that's the end of this chapter! Next one will be pretty long so it might take me some time. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and see ya around!

-Charlie (Amourshipper)
Twitter: @ Amour_4Life

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