Hello Everyone,
Charlie here with the first update after 3 week, I believe. I'm gonna try and make up the Chapters I missed and well I hope you enjoy this one.
______________Ash's POV
We all walked over to the battlefield and my heart started racing. Blood pumping and my instincts went to the next level. My partner on my shoulder with a face eager for battle. Everyone besides me and Kiawe sat down at the benches as we took our places on the battlefield.Once our places were set a cool breeze filled the air around us giving me a few chills. Mallow stood up and walked a little closer to the field and stated "All right, this will be a one on one match, for the title of 'Alola Champion'. The battle will be over when either Pokémon are unable to battle. The trainer with their Pokémon still standing will be the winner. Use of Z-Moves are allowed. Are both of you alright with that?"
Looked over to KIawe and he turned over to me as well and we both nodded our heads in agreement. "Now then both of you please bring out your Pokémon!" Mallow exclaimed.
I looked over to my left shoulder and gave the yellow Pokémon a slight nod and extended my arm out allowing him to run along and jump off onto the battlefield. I took off my bag and quickly grabbed out the black ring I brought along just in case and put it on my left hand. "So you're going to use it. I'll go all out as well then!" Kiawe called out and then threw out his Pokéball revealing Turtonator.
"Alright, battle begin!" Mallow yelled.
Goh's POV
Ash and Kiawe both didn't move along with their Pokémon. To me it looks like they're both waiting for each other to make the first move. Mallow even had enough time to sit back down. No sound or movement came from either them or their partners, only the sound of the cool breeze moving through the entire school.Since both of them were waiting for the other to attack I decided to ask Mallow "What was the thing Ash put on his wrist?"
"That is a Z-Ring and it allows a trainer to use what's called a Z-Move," Mallow answered.
"I believe I've read about those before. If I can remember correctly they are essentially more powerful moves, and there is one Z-Crystal for every type. Some Pokémon even have their own unique Z-Crystal." I added.
Mallow nodded and that and we both turned our attention back to the field where Ash and Kiawe are still waiting. Kiawe's expression was slowly starting to become annoyed and mad, until he finally snapped.
"Fine! If you won't attack first then I will! Turotnator use Dragon Tail!" Kiawe cried out loud. The Blast-Turtle Pokémon leaped high into the air and it's tail started to give off a bright glow. I was shocked at the sight of Turtonator's ability to jump up super high and he started to fail down to where Pikachu was standing.
"Pikachu, head right then use Thunderbolt!" Ash commanded. The Mouse Pokémon was quick and followed Ash's command. Pikachu was able to dodge Dragon Tail and then Pikachu charged up and scored a direct hit on Turtonator with Thunderbolt.
Turtonator was left unfazed from the attack and Kiawe ordered "Quick, use Flamethrower!" Turtonator moved swiftly and unleashed it's Flamethrower.
"Pikachu, do--" Ash spoke but he was too late and Pikachu was engulfed in the flames. Pikachu was able to recover from the attack and Ash yelled "Rush in with Iron Tail!" Pikachu ran across the battlefield and his tail became metallic.
"Counter it with Dragon Tail!" Kiawe exclaimed. Turtonator followed his orders and his tail gleamed bright and both Pokémon's tails collided. Pikachu however was pushed back due to the force of Turtonator's attack.
"Use Quick Attack!" Ash commanded. Pikachu ran straight towards Turtonator. Pikachu kept vetting closer and closer but Kiawe hasn't given out a command yet.
Pikachu was about to hit Turtonator but Kiawe shouted "Focus Blast!" Turtonator fired a ball of energy straight at Pikachu and Pikachu was sent flying back taking a substantial amount of damage.
"Are you okay Pikachu?!" Ash asked in concern. "Pika-Pika!" Pikachu answered while nodding back. "Alright then use Electroweb!"
A giant web of electricity was launched at Turtonator. "Use Shell Smash!" Kiawe ordered. After using Shell Smash Turtonator was able to dodge the incoming Electroweb with ease.
"If you're gonna use speed I guess we will too. Use Quick Attack!" Pikachu ran towards Turtonator at lightning speed but Turtonator was able to dodge with faster speeds. "Turn around and use Iron Tail!" Ash exclaimed. The Electric Mouse took action and quickly turned and used Iron Tail on the Pokémon behind.
"Dodge it!" Kiawe cried out. Turtonator swiftly dodged and Pikachu's tail became stuck into the ground. "Alright it's time!" Kiawe stated while starting to strike a pose.
"Oh no! Pikachu you need to get out of there quick!" Ash yelled.
As Kiawe continued the poses he was saying "The zenith of my mind, of body and spirit! Like the great mountain of Akala, become a raging fire and burn! INFERNO OVERDRIVE!"
"Pikachu use Electroweb!" Ash yelled as a final attempt. However the giant ball of flames hit it's mark and Piakchu was unable to be seen. A giant explosion was caused sending shockwaves throughout the whole school.
As the explosion cleared up Pikachu was still standing. "Wait What?! How did Pikachu do that?!" I questioned. "Did you not see it? Pikachu's tail was stuck in the ground but at the last moment Pikachu was able to become free and was able to surround itself using Electroweb to defend against Inferno Overdrive." Mallow explained. "Wow! Ash just keeps on--" "Surprising you!" Everyone said in unison. "He's the Alolan Champion after all!" Lana exclaimed.
'Ash's friends really are something.'
"Pikachu use Electroweb on the battlefield!" Ash commanded. Pikachu didn't hesitate and the battle field was covered by Electroweb. "Alright now use Electroweb on Turtonator!" Ash commanded again. Pikachu jumped up and sent a web of electricity towards Turtonator.
"Turtonator dodge it!" Kiawe yelled. Turtonator tried to dodge but the Electroweb on the field blocked Turtonator from running and the incoming Electroweb trapped Turtonator.
"Okay it's time!" Ash shouted while taking off his hat and placing it on Pikachu's head.
'What is he doing?' I thought.
Ash started to do some poses and said "Let's show them what our full power looks like!" Pikachu and Ash did a little handshake and punched the air. "Much bigger than a Thunderbolt! Ten Million Volt Thunderbolt! This is much, much bigger! At super full power! Pikachu use 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt!"
A thundercloud formed about the battlefield and Pikachu began charging energy. Moments after Pikachu leaped into the air and sent a rainbow of lightning straight at Turtonator. It was a direct hit and an explosion covering the entire battlefield. No one was able to see through the smoke but eventually the smoke disappeared revealing Pikachu still standing and Turtonator unconscious on the field.
Mallow stood up and stated "Turtonator is unable to battle! Meaning Ash keeps his title of Alola Champion!"
_______________Alright I hoped you enjoyed it! This is actually the first battle I've ever wrote and man it's long. Right now I'm just imagining what some of the 6 on 6 battles will look like later I this story.
Cya Around!
-Charlie (Amourshipper)
Twitter: @ Amour_4Life

Aura Ghost (An Amourshipping Story)
FanfictionOne Year after his journey in Kalos he is now currently working as a research fellow at the Cerise Laboratory along with new newly fond friend Goh. During one of their adventures however Ash disappears. What will become of Ash? How will Goh and othe...