New school (1)

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School life wasn't always easy for Allen. Especially when you're a trans kid in the south. Sure there were a few good friends at his old school, some he knew since he was a toddler and some that did understand and still saw him as a normal human. Though they weren't enough to weigh out all the harassment. After what had seemed like decades of earning bruises, cuts, spit, and anything else ignorant kids could do, Allen's parents were finally able to move. His dad got a new job and was sent to a different district for the company.

And now, Allen slowly walked to his new school. Thanking every higher being that his papers were signed with his real gender and name. Though it never would stop the anxiety. Still wringing his hands and messing with his own fingers, a habit he got from an old friend.

Taking a deep breath Allen stepped around the corner, the last one leading to the school. Glancing around, feeling everyone's eyes on him, he only met a few pairs. "Hey, heeey! New guy!" Slightly jumping at the loud voice, Allen turned around and met two boys around his own age. "You're the new guy! Right?" The chocolate eyed boy turned to his friend, "He's the new kid right..?" The boy mumbled to his friend and earned a small nod. "Allen, it's nice to meet you." The friend said in a monotone voice. "You should come with us! We can show you around, be your friends, have lunch with us, and you can tutor us!" The chocolate eyed boy jumped slightly in his spot, "oh heyhey Chara!" "Please excuse my friend. I'm Andreas and this is Ozzy. And sorry about him getting ahead of himself, he can get a bit over excited.."

Allen wasn't paying much attention. He was... happy. Being called Allen so casually without a mess up or any hint of sarcasm. He couldn't help but chuckle a bit at everything. A small chuckle, one of pure joy.

"Heyhey! Allen! You should come with us, we can show you to the office to get your classes and show you where they are!" Ozzy grabbed both of Allen's hands, earning a small blush from the slightly shorter boy. "Y-yeah! That'd be amazing..!" Ozzy gave him a toothy smile, excited from another friend.

The three boy stepped out of the office, Allen being surprised at how nice the front desk people were. Evening laughing a bit with them. "Oooh! You got the same homeroom as us!" Ozzy looked over Allen's shoulder, having to be pulled a bit back from yelling too much. "Oh, just a small warning, there's a deaf kid in the class too. Just look away from him, it's better than watching.." Allen slightly nodded, wondering why he should just look away. Look away from what? Possibly the only way he could communicate with him? Well it didn't matter. He already had two new friends in just his first day.

The bell had rung, Ozzy was dragging his two friends around the school in an attempt to show Allen his classrooms, but getting off track a lot. The three were walking and talking. Until a taller kid came up, "Hey Hudson." Ozzy said, making eye contact with the floor and finding a dust bunny far more interesting than Hudson. "Don't mind me Ozzy dear, I'm just here to check out the new kid. Y'know how Chara and them are." "Hudson is there something you directly need with Allen?" Andreas cut in, "ah, sorry love, just wanted to walk with you all. I hope you don't mind." Hudson waved a hand, motioning that it wasn't a big deal.

"So Allen, where'd you come from?" Hudson had asked abruptly, "a-ah, I'd rather not say. Sorry." "Nah it's no problem. Just curious is all."

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