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Each day passed. Bullying slowly became part of his schedule. He felt alone. It was his fault his boyfriend was getting bullied again. He quickly distanced himself from his friends. Or he tried to. No matter what someone was still talking to him. Still wanted to be his friend.

What helped Allen go through the day was the small talks from his friends, and spending time with his boyfriend. But his feelings slowly faded. Not just love, but happiness. The warmth of having friends.

He'd slowly walk to school with Mason each day. Not signing anything to each other or writing or even texting. The two felt weird. The two battling with their own thoughts.

But during class it would be the worst. Just like today. The teacher had to excuse himself to help another teacher with some task. This allowed for the students to walk around the class, usually each would stay in their groups. Ozzy and Andreas together, Hudson on his phone, and mason

One of the boys undid a cap. A foul smell pouring out. The boy and snuck behind Mason and Allen.
And poured it.

The two froze. Everyone watched what unfolded. Hudson went to stand up but Allen beat him to it.

He looked at Mason with narrowed eyes. Mason watching back with wide eyes. Watching his lips move
"It's your fault." "please"

Allen was shaken. "It's because of you that I got outted! If I didn't meet you, I would still be seen as just a guy! It's because of you! I hate you!"

Allen exploded.
Mason stood up, and ran.
Slowly Allen realized what he did. "I-I didn't mean it."
"What did he ever do to you?!" Ozzy was yelling, not caring for the eyes on him. "He's done nothing!" "So have you! What did you do to help him before this?!" "Don't turn this in me. I learned from my mistakes. But you just fucking hurt him. You are as low as them." He motioned to the boy who poured the milk, and ran.

Allen stood in the mess, angry, and crying.

He lost the people who made him feel at peace and the only friends he had. He lost everything in a split second. All that was left for him was eyes. He was one of them now. A person who hurt others.

The next day Mason wasn't at school. He never was.

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