Homeroom (2)

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The three boys walked to their seats, leaving Allen at the front. Allen awkwardly stood at the door, moving around a bit to get out of other people's way and saying 'sorry' and 'excuse me' each time.
Soon he was standing next to the teacher at the whiteboard, tuning out the chatting in front of him. Dozing a bit to this morning, wondering about the small conversation about the deaf classmate. "Wasn't it a bit rude..? I wonder who it is...why would I have to look away from him?" all too soon he got his answers. Snapping out of his small daze at a fast moving paper ball hitting another classmate.

Allen listened into what was happening.
In the third row a young boy was having things thrown at him. He wasn't giving any sort of attention to the items. It only seemed to aggravate the kids. "Idiot." "Oh come ooon, look over here~!" Another person threw an eraser. Another threw a sharpened pencil directly at him. Only stinging the poor boy.
Allen looked back at the teacher. He didn't turn around. He wasn't doing anything to stop the kids from throwing junk at the boy.
Allen decided to take the advice. He looked away, tuning out of everything. Waiting a bit longer until a book slammed right next to the boy's head. The teacher still didn't give a reaction. He only turned around and clapped.

"Alright everyone! Today we have a new student. His name is Allen." The teacher took a few steps to the side, showing the same sentence written in the whiteboard. "Someone get Mason's attention." the teacher let out a sigh. A girl turned and tapped his shoulder lightly, and moved her hands. Mason had moved his hands in response and turned to the front. "Mason says he apologizes for not paying attention." The girl said aloud. "Now then. Allen, you sit next to Frankie, the one who just talked." With that the teacher went back to writing on the whiteboard and started the lesson.

"Heyhey! Allen, over here!" Ozzy and Andreas ran over to Allen exiting his last class. "You made it through the day! Half the day!" Ozzy jumped, "yep! I was able to talk to some other people too! People here are nicer than my last school." Allen replied with a small smile. "And now it's time to eat! Now, there's multiple places to sit for lunch including outside and the roof. Not the bathrooms! You got friends to hang out with!"
"Friends...I like that a lot."

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