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Sayaad's Pov.

After a horrible drive back home, i directly went up to the terrace hoping to meet Azrah.

Just to apologise and then leave. I thought to myself before directly entering but girls aren't present.

You dick hurry up before that monster arrives.

Running downstairs i meet Zamzam and Azrah coming to my way.

"Salaam aleikum",

I greet them and they responded except for Azrah it's more like a whisper.

Zamzam raised her brow at me giving me a do something or say something look.

"Zam! you are being called",

I lied giving her a get lost look. but she furrows her brows before realizing and left.

"Excuse me", Azrah says leaving always casting down.


I stop her walking closer to her, She didn't stop shaking making me sigh.

"I am sorry for my behaviour last two days", I apologise getting wide eyes from her.

"I was a jerk but umm!..", Thinking what to say next Humaiza appeared.

"Hmm! future bride and groom, enough of your romance and let's go", She held Azrah's hand winking at me.

Why are people in this house so against me.

But one thing i didn't fail to catch up is a cute blush from Azrah.

Get over yourself it's impossible with that douche's presence.

Zamza's Pov.

It is cute seeing my Idiotic friend busy trying to please a girl and quite funny to watch but i guess with his presence having fun is impossible.

"Azaad comeon", Safirah calls him out to join.

Sayaad smirks and leans to my ears.

"I taught him a lesson today", He chuckled and i smiled.

"If your dad gets to know you'll be sent back to Italy alone", I said gaining a snort from him.

"So Azaad how did you like it here so far",

Dad asks while placing mom's favourite pancake with blueberry sauce.

"Interesting", He answers looking at Sayaad.

"Yah thanks to me",

Sayaad grinned gaining a snort from most.

"By the way we are going for shopping, window shopping for some of us, will you join?",

Safirah said making me and Sayaad look at eachother expecting it to happen.

"Sure, i'll be more than glad to join", He said looking at us.

"Fuck him! you wait i'll throw him on the road just wait", Sayaad whispered while fuming.

Saayad kept on stealing glances on Azrah as i left from there.

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