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Azaad's Pov.

'She left me, She left me.

'I still need her, I want Mom.

Who is gonna protect me and Azrah? Maa!!.

I cried for my Mom, One thing is certainly sure that all these years i wanted to be the one to protect Mom  and Now__.

I am scared, Scared that i have noone to protect me, scared that someone might hurt me and Azrah.

I still need her, i can't live without her, what will happen to me?,

I only got her.

I only have her.

She's the only one i relied on, she protected us till her death, cried for us, care for us.

Will anyone love me.

Zamzam never left me, she's always been there, her being here for the first time scared me.

'If she leaves me, what will i do?.

It's finally the day i realised without her i don't know what would have happened to me.

What if i hurt her and she leaves me.

Her words words that soothe me kept replaying on my head.

'I am here, you're not alone.

'I love you, i am gonna protect you.

Mom's demised news reached to everyone except to the person who is seriously in need to hear this.

I locked myself in the room as i heard a soft knock but i ignored.

I know it's her, the weight of the pain i already gave her and i know, she's gonna selflessly be there.

But i am so broken, i can't let her be reduced to this state i am at, she's not used of so much pain it'll break her.

'I can't watch her be like me.


Being locked in a room had me go insane, I cried, cried hard, I had my stuffs but Mom's memories of her trying to guide me came flooding.

I cried, bursted into loud sobs before drifting into a deep slumber.

It's was her funeral today, Alhamdulillah, everything's been perfectly solemnised and thankfully noone tried to talk to me as constant thought kept drumming my head.

'She's gone, forever.

'She's at peace, Ya Allah my Mom didn't live her life on this world in Peace...

Please let her Grave life and Akhirah be blissful. Ameen.

As we reach home, I find her sleeping on her Mom's lap, peacefully sleeping.

'She's been trying to be with me ignoring her peace, now look how tired she is.

Her Dad went to make her lay on his lap, I couldn't divert my gaze from her as she stirred abit when her Dad whispered something.

She stands walking drowsily as i excused myself and pace up to reach her babysteps, I snake my hand on her waist as directly she falls onto my chest snuggling.

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