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Zamzam's Pov

"You are saying all those on purpose just to hurt me, please tell me what have i done?", I whisper while sniffling.

"Don't bug into my freaking life, I am repeating DON'T",

He yells before getting off the car I burst into loud cries.

"I just wanted to be there for him", I sob.

"He didn't have to say all those", I heave a sigh before wiping my eyes.

I unbuckle my seatbelts, well! i am trying but they- ain't -Unlocking.

"He's done it", I sigh.

I've been here for more than 15minutes, and suffocated, no sign for him.

I cried to myself out covering my face, i cried loud at his sudden outburst as i heard the door open.

I look up and find Azaad, his eyes looks like he was Crying.

He bent over and unbuckled my seatbelt and extended his hands for me, I took it, Duh! ignored it.

I heard him sigh and lead the way in, Everyone paced up in panick way when they say Azaad, some even stammery greeted and got Ignored.

'Wasn't he inside?.

'Why are they so afraid of him?.

I sigh at my unanswered questions as we walked on the private block, Entire area's Quiet, with the sign, Reserved.

Untill he finally opened the room where my eyes falls on Mom.

Mom's weak body, Her face turned so pale white than her usual as she laid on the bed.


Azaad calls her out as she turns at our side, so weakly afraid she's gonna break her neck.

I felt an urge to cry burst into tears, just few months back she was strong and no__.


Her voice huskily spoke as she sighed smiling.

"Ma_Maa, Salaam aleikum",

I walk and sit beside her as she tried sitting but Azaad forbade her.

"I am so happy to see you", Mom smiles as i smiled back.

"Didn't Azrah-", She glance out and sighed.

"She didn't know we were coming", Azaad explains as his voice slurred.

Mom stares at us sensing tense atmosphere.

"The wedding's near right?", Mom asks as i nod.

"My baby, I won't get to see her as a bride", Mom pouts as she sobs.

"Sh! Allah is a best healer, he's gonna make you get well", I cry as well.

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