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Zamzam's Pov.

I miss him.

"You Ok?", I cup his cheeks as we are in his room.

"Mh!", He hums as his face on my neck.

"Azaad, i can't stay for long", I try controling my hesitate voice due to effect he got in me.

"It won't take long", He crash his alluring lips against mine as we dance in symphony.

As my whole body's feeling the jumping wiggling sensation he is instilling in my body like always.

He pulls me closer against his body and bury his face back to my neck as I am trying to get my breath back to normal.

"I love you", His lips curve up against my neck as i smile.

"I love you.


We are in pillow room, and none of us told Sayaad anything but I guess our behaviour speaks out loud.

On top of that Azaad's Missing.


"Azaad please don't, i'll be fine", Azrah's trying to send Azaad away as he decided to work from home.

"But _",

"I am here, I failed to fulfill it last time but It won't repeat", I said as he sigh.

"Stay together, please", He pleads kissing both of us and jog out of the house.

It's been frequently two days we've been avoiding to cross path with his Dad, and even he was suddenly missing.

Now we are seated With Mom and other ladies or women of the family chit chatting.

"Ya Allah, Do you know being pregnant it's like being afflicted with all kind of diseases", Gulzar whines.

"Why?, don't scare me please", Humaiza whines.

"Trust me, cause i am being treated like i am sick", She exasperates staring at Mom and Imraan's Mom.

Mom looked at her and shook her head before laughing with Imraan's Mom.

"Azrah dear, take this to your Dad", Mom said.

"He doesn't let anyone in and he didn't have anything", Mom gives Azrah tray of fruits.

Me and Azrah exchange looks as my mind's so confused on what to do.

"I'll go with her", I stand before being Pulled down by Humaiza.

"No, we are making stories, if you go with Azrah both of you will disappear, Azrah go then come".

"Ya just like you and Afiya", Gulzar retorts.

"And you and Asiya", Humaiza smirked.

"Guys, i'll go with her p_", "No_", Humaiza held my hand tight and Azrah smiles.

"I'll be back", She stands as i panic.

'Shoot! what should i do.

Every Time i try freeing myself from These people, they tie me more down and more tighter.

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