Home sweet home, am I right

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"home sweet home, am I right."

Richie has completed setting up his bed on the top bunk, which he had to battle bill for. "how the hell can you even touch the mattress" the curly-haired boy stares at his bed in disgust. for the past hour, Stanley has been refining the bed beneath Richie, which he had claimed since it was closer to a window in case of crisis 

"dude, this place rocks, no chores, free food, free fun, it's fantastic!" Richie was semi-controlled by his mother, who wanted him to be the perfect child, good grades, good manners, good friends. She would get irritated when others would have a sleepover because they weren't some goody-two-shoes.

Abruptly a boy enters the cabin, a taller boy around 6'0 with pure blonde curls which lay flawlessly on the top of his soft face. The boy wore an older ACDC shirt, presumably from the mid-70s, which balanced pretty well with his worn blue ripped jeans

everybody stares at him, This wasn't a style seen very much in derry Richie liked it. The boy could feel the other three eyes; he felt required to say something

 "hi?" the boy gave everybody a bewildered look wondering why they were staring at him. Richie quickly reacted to the boy's sensual voice. "Hey, I'm Richie. That's Stan and Bill," Richie signals to the both of them while speaking "what's your name?" 

the boy glances at the boys. Bill was sitting reading a magazine from last month, and Stanley was still picking at his bed. "I'm Micky, Micky Campbell," the charming blonde returns his gaze to Richie "why is that top bunk not taken?" Richie stares at the bed "we found mold up there," Richie reveals, Micky scoffs, "well, I guess I can just flip the mattress over" he chuckles to himself."

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