Kiss of death

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Everyone is asleep. The only noise that could be heard was of the crickets outside, which was soon stopped by the sound of a cabin door squeaking open, three boys out of the four left for the girl's cabin. Richie walks up to the window by Ella's bed, tapping on it, signaling for her to exit the cabin. Ella sneakily walks past sleeping Beverly, trying to disrupt her sleep. She leaves the cabin and meets the group of boys. Micky motions for everyone to follow him, and they make their way to the woods.

The group has moved far away enough to start talking, "so you all come from the same town?" The tall blonde asks, "yeah, it's the shitiest fucking town in America though," Micky chuckles at Richie's comment. "I'm not really friends with them, though. I'm only dating stan, so like I feel like I have t-" Ella starts talking nonstop, and none of the boys are listening to her, and they continue to walk, but while walking, Micky feels something touch his hand. He looks down to see Richie's hand grazing Mickys.

Micky smiles and looks over at the other tallboy. Brown eyes meet blue once again, but this time they didn't tear apart. Richie could feel the electricity between them when they look at each other. Their stomachs flutter. all Micky tried to grasp Richie's hand "hey looks; It's the l-lake" the boys are forced to look away from each other, Richie moves his hand swiftly back to his own body, and both look forward to seeing the greenish lake before them

"I have an idea," The snobby girl "please don't speak your k-killing me." billy complains. The girl admittedly gets pissed and kicks bill in the kneecaps. it didn't bother him very much due to the girls weaker form, but still, he got the message, "we should go skinny dipping" the girl resumes

"hell yeah," the smart mouth boy says, "c, mon strip," he says again humorously, signaling at Ella, "you are so gross, Richie."

Everybody except for Richie had both started taking off clothing pieces. Richie appeared to be nervous about getting naked in front of Micky. He didn't understand why he was worried, but he was. Micky looks over at the dark-haired boy and notices him Fidgeting with his nails "hey, you don't have to if you don't want to," the blonde says softly to Richie. He scoffs at the blonde "no...No. I can do this," Richies voice cracks, and he continues picking at his nails but slowly starts to take off clothing while glancing at the cute blonde now and then.

Bill pushes in Ella and jumps in afterward, leaving the two boys standing there staring at the scene before them, then suddenly Micky grasps Richie's hand "let's jump in together," the dreamy blonde suggests. Richie nods, and they both jump in together.

The whole group was having fun splashing around in the dirty green like in till Ella suddenly screamed in a very shrill manner, "something touched my leg!" the brunet was squirming around in the water, struggling to get out but makes it and runs off cover her body. Bill soon runs after her "where the fuck are you heading off to?" Bill turns around to stare at the trash-mouth boy "hey, I have the chance to see b-boobs. I'm taking it," and he runs off into the dark

the boys stand in the water in silence. Richie could feel the tension between them. It was a couple of minutes of silence before Micky suddenly blurts something out, "are you gay?" Richie was shocked at the sudden question and at the question itself. Richie stares at the blonde in silence, he tried to speak, but he couldn't. He felt butterflies in his stomach but not in a good way; his body was filled with fear. Abruptly Richie feels a hand grasp his waist; excitement and fear fill his body as mickeys lips move closer to him.

Heat rose from Richie's stomach to his chest. Micky's lips were getting closer, and his heart decides to skip a beat. The smell of Micky was hypnotic beyond reason. He parted his lips and felt Micky washing over like a rush of warmth, curling his toes, unwinding all of his senses as the taste of him nearly hushed all thoughts. His whole body shivered, the feel of Micky's frame against his as Micky's arms wrapped around him; it all felt forbidden. He pulled Richie in, claiming his mouth again, hungry and intense, until his knees gave in. By the time Richie became aware of his fingers, they had already been gripping Micky's naked chest, his skin soft and radiating warmth. Richie feels drops of rain on his chest.

As if time had frozen right there, as they stood in the muddy lake with dirt in between their toes, glued to one another. As if no one else existed and there was no chance of anybody watching them. 

Ella is running back to her cabin naked, the rain was pouring at this point, but she didn't care. She just wanted to get back to bed. Ella could hear her name being called in the distance. She looks back to see the stuttering boy running after her with her clothes; he was always such a sweet boy. He finally catches up to the soaking brunette, "here you f-forgot your clothes" the boy was still completely naked but was more focused on getting Ella's clothes back to her "thanks." the girl shivers from the freezing outside, Bill stares at the pretty brunette, he could see the water droplets building upon her thick eyelashes. the girl chuckles. "I think you forgot your own clothes," she says, looking down. Bill glimpses at the pretty brunette. She was gorgeous, even soaking wet and covered in mud from the lake. 

Ella thought how much of a sweetheart bill was. He had stood up against Stanley before when the two of them had fights, he helped her pick out a dress for the prom, and now he was bringing her clothes in the middle of the night in the pouring rain. suddenly bill starts getting close to her fast

There wasn't a moment of hesitation. His mouth was on hers. She stopped breathing. He shuddered, and there was a sound from the back of his throat, half growl, half moan. Little shivers of pleasure and panic shot through her as he deepened the kiss, parting my lips. She stopped thinking. She pushed her face back into Bills, sealing the tiny space between them, pressing against him, digging her fingers into his dripping wet hair. His mouth was so soft and warm. Nothing else about him felt that way. She sparked alive. Her heart swelled to the point of near bursting. The rush of emotions crawling across her body was maddening. Scary. Thrilling.

Stanly felt as dark as thunder watching the two through the cabin window...

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