Boyfriend and Girlfriend

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Two weeks later

I ran to the door only to meet a huge bouquet of red roses, I couldn't even see the post man's face. I took the sign board from him and signed, he handed me the roses and waved me goodbye. I take a deep breath and inhale the rosy smell. There is a card inside and I take it.

Good Luck

I smile at sweet gesture from Kevin, he's wishing me good luck to writing my last paper for the first semester. We started last week, things are a bit different this year since Sam says the semester cycles usually start after five weeks. We've been dating for two weeks now and so far I'm happy. He's been giving me time to study but I think he can't take it anymore because he blows my phone with a million texts everyday.

I take the roses and place them inside the glass jar. I take my bag getting ready to go and write the paper. I hear footsteps behind me and I turn to see the girl with pink braids now, she looks ready to go.

"Kevin deserves boyfriend of the year award, my ex boyfriend couldn't even afford a mere chocolate bloody idiot" Unathi says with a raised eyebrow.

When I told her and Sam about the relationship as expected they both freaked out. There's just one person I haven't told and that's my sister, we're not public yet. I really don't think this relationship will last a year, I know I'm being negative but this is just something to occupy me and have fun. I know I'm being selfish and inconsiderate but I need a distraction.

"I'm sure Brandon will buy you flowers considering how touchy you guys are these days" I say

Unathi and Brandon have gotten a lot closer the past few weeks. I think there's something going on but she won't admit it. The door squeaks open and Sam pops in, his usual bubbly self.

"Can we go now?" he asks, yes our friendship has grown so much that we don't greet each other anymore just to disrespect each other. We've all built a strong friendship with each other and I feel like I can confide in Sam about anything.

I make sure I have everything and we walk out and lock the door. We make it to the first floor and sprint to the University. We walk to our respective lecturer halls, I settle next to Brandon after giving him a wave and a smile. The lecturer walks in and hands everyone the paper. He instructs everyone to start writing.

An hour later I'm done that's how easy it was for me, the allocated time is one hour and fifty minutes. I walk to Mr Korksters the math lecturer and hand him the paper. He eyes me suspiciously obviously thinking I cheated since I finished early. He shakes his head and I walk out, I think he saw I don't look like one of those.

I decide to wait for Brandon to finish, Unathi and Sam are going to meet us at the cafeteria. As I patiently wait I see there is no one around, I must be the first one to have finished early. I can hear footsteps behind me I sigh in relief thinking it's Brandon. I turn around it's not Brandon, it's a pretty girl the one Sam said is the IT girl around here. I think he said her name is Amber Dlamini.

She comes face to face with me, she's wearing a mini skirt again with an expensive looking bag in her hand.

"Are you Enhle?" she asks, the edge to her tone is undeniable.

I nod and she eyes me intensely I don't whether she's judging me or not. I mean I'm not wearing as fancy as her all I'm wearing are light blue ripped boyfriend jeans and a white hoodie. I know I have no sense of style.

She shakes her head "Run away babes before it's too late. I know you're Kevin's new toy, trust me we've all been there. He's going to break your heart he doesn't love you sweetheart. You're just a farm girl that he's taking advantage of. It's okay nana I know it hurts I'm here for you! I will be your shoulder to cry on" she pats my shoulder and rubs my back.

The Bleeding Rose(Editing)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя