The Sister

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I lifted myself from Kevin's lap as soon as I saw Lindo enter through the glass doors. I looked at him in shock with my wide opened eyes, I wanted to say so many things but what in the living hell is he doing here.

"Oh I'm I-I'm so sorry boss I'm new here and I was looking for the store room. I didn't know that this is your office" Lindo said with his eyes glued on me.

I looked down in embarrassment, I didn't know that there were chances that the guy who has had a crush on me since 8th grade is working for my boyfriend. I'm pretty sure he's thinking that I'm a hoe that I left home to come here and be a gold digger.

"You must be part of the group of interns we just hired, well next time learn to knock before you enter. You can leave now" Kevin said with a frown on his face.

Lindo threw one last glance at me before heading out. I was staring at the doors that he exited with and continued to wonder how Lindo made it to Johannesburg and let alone get a job here!

"Mi amour are you okay" Kevin asked while pulling back to his lap.

"Um yeah I'm okay, I'm just shocked to see Lindo here" I said and placed my hand around his neck enjoying the feeling of his smooth velvety skin.

"Lindo? You mean that guy who just left? Do you know him"

I cleared my throat "Yeah we're from the same town and he had a crush on me a while ago" I said and bit my tongue regretting what I just said.

The frown returned on his face and his chest rised a bit higher with his breathing.

"Right" was all he said. I just hope Kevin won't fire him, sure Lindo is probably the most annoying person in the world but I don't him to lose his new job because of me but I also hope that the little crush he had on me has died and is six feet under.

I looked at him as he started to go through some documents that were on the table. He refused for me to leave his lap, he continued to work and he looked so focused. I didn't understand a single thing about what he was doing but it was very satisfying to watch.

"I think I covered everything we can go" he said and I got up and he did the same. He took his car keys before leading me out and in to the elevator.

We made back to the first floor, he nodded at the receptionist telling her that we're leaving. He opened the door for me as usual and closed it. I don't know where we are going, it's always like that with him.

I noticed the familiar surroundings when the car drove in heading to the gates of his house. The gates opened and closed after we're entered. He parked on the drive way and turned off the ignition.

We stayed in car for a few minutes until he looked me and placed a hand on mine.

"I know it's probably a bit soon but I want you to meet my family" he said

I gasped at his words and looked at him in bewilderment. I waited for him to tell me he's joking but he never did. He's right it's a bit soon and I never intended on meeting his family anytime soon, but I also remembered that I agreed to date just a distraction but I fell for him and I wasn't sure before but now I know that I'm in love with him call me crazy.

But meeting his family sounds serious, he's from a rich family and my background is bad. I know I'm not up to his standards, I sometimes wonder what he sees in me. I don't want to be judged by his family and be told I'm not good enough for him.

"Stop with those thoughts Enhle, I love you and if anyone has a problem then they can go to hell" he said as if he was reading my mind.

"You being cheesy isn't helping" I said and removed my hand under his.

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