A towel and shorts

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The subtle soft sheets weren't mine that I knew because my bedding isn't this comfortable. I desperately wanted to keep my eyes closed because the feeling was appreciatable. I finally fluttered my eye lids open.

I was instantly met with the most handsome face I know. The light pink lips slightly parted, he has grown a grazed stubble that made him look undeniably hot.

It's been three weeks since I have seen him and my heart was content right now with me being in his bed although I know it's wrong but why is it wrong? Why does it have to be wrong?

I gasped as he placed his hand on my lower back and his eyes mustered open. He shot me one of his beautiful smiles, then my heart flinched when tears filled his eyes. I looked at his teary eyes, filled with so much emotions but mainly hurt.

He lifted his hand to softly touch my face and caress my hair. He kept his hand there as if he could not believe that I'm here. I was silently praying for his tears to not fall because I know I'll also cry.

"You're here" he huskily whispered.

"I missed you so much, I have missed so much that I'm sure your name is engraved in my mind" he said.

I softly giggled "Exaggeration much?"

"I'm not joking though, I also kinda wondered how is it possible for a person to miss another like this but then I realized it's because I am in love with you. I know you know that and I know it scares you too because people don't fall in love this quick but it happened" he said as he brought me closer.

I swear my heart wanted to pound out of my chest at his words. He's right though, it did scare me at first and maybe it still does because the feelings are so strong and I was denying them but at this point there is no point in denying it. It was love at first sight, as much as I thought it wasn't real but it is.

"I now know I'm in love with you too Kevin" I admitted.

He brought me even closer and I thought it wasn't possible for us to be any closer. He smiled at me and our faces were a few inches apart, if one of us moved we would kiss.

"Why did you leave me? Why didn't you believe that I love you? Why couldn't you trust me to tell my family to get off" he asked with a glint of sadness in his tone.

I sighed "Kevin I believed that you love me and I still do, it was never about me doubting your love. But they are your family, I couldn't ask for you to choose me over them family is important"

"It is important but you're also very important to me. My father accepts our relationship and that's all that matters, I don't give a fuck about Amanda and her mother" he said.

I still couldn't believe that Mrs James isn't his biological mother and that his mother is no more. That would explain the tension that hung between them that day.

"All I need now is for you to tell me that you still want to be with me, that you'll stick by my side and that you'll trust me to protect always" he softly whispered.

"I want to be with you, I'll stick by your side and I trust you" I released the words.

It felt as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. The only thing that I was craving and desperately so over the last few weeks was him.

He didn't waste any time by bringing his face close to mine and his lips pressed against mine in a soft tendering kiss. By the time the kiss ended our foreheads were connected.

"Take a bath with me" he suddenly said.

"Okay but don't get used to it" I raised a finger at him.

He chuckled while rolling his eyes, he got up and lifted me with him on our way to the bathroom. He opened the door and closed it after we entered. I released a shaky breath as he ran the bath and filled it with bath salts.

The Bleeding Rose(Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang