Chapter 5

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"You must be Y/n, right?"

I turned around to look at the person, he was rather tall and had blue skin, on his face was the Union Jack, the commonwealth star and the southern cross, it was Australia. Australia was wearing a beige coloured vest with a black shirt under it. His outdoor pants had the same colour as his vest. His pants and his vest were a little dirty.

"Yes, that's me", I answered him, he nodded and gave me a sign to follow him.

So, I went outside with him. He led me to a car. The car itself looked like a Mercedes G wagon in black.

"Y/n I'm going to bring you to America's house, there you are going to meet your friend and some other countries.", he explained to me.

"Okay but why?", I asked while putting on my seatbelt.

"We found an earpiece- like device, every few hours we can hear someone saying your name, so we thought it would be best, if we have you there."Australia answered me while starting the car.

The car ride went silent. None of us really talked. I wonder where Canada is, it is been a while since I have last seen him. To be honest the the last time I saw him was the day he brought me to his house. He gave me clothes and made dinner for me. We talked a little bit that day. He seemed like a really nice person. That was it, we didn't further interact with eachother.

After a while I realised that the car stopped and I looked to my side to see Australia looking at me, once he realised that I saw him staring at me he quickly averted his eyes. It was at that moment I realised we arrived at America's house.

Americas house was pretty decent. It was a plain white house just like you see in the movies. The house had a very pretty front porch, with colourful flowers hanging from the ceiling and comfortable looking furniture.

We went inside and the first thing I see are many people some were sitting around a circular table with an earpiece on top of it others were sitting or standing in groups chatting with eachother. The table was in the middle of the room. On one side of them was a staircase and on the other side there was a door. America and Claire came out of there.

As they came a robotic voice could be heard through the earpiece. Everyone rushed over to the table the earpiere was on. So did I.

"Y/N L/N"
The sound of that voice was horrible it was monoton and very shrill.
Still shocked by the sound of that voice I couldn't answer


At the end of his message that thing made an awful sound. It was so shrill and loud.What is that thing? How does it know my name? Where is it from? I was so confused...

"What do you mean?", I asked the horrofiying voice, but I got no answer.

Since then nothing really interesting happened. Everyone just waited patiently. I wonder what the unknown voice meant...

After a while someone spoke through the earpiece- device- thing again, but it wasn't the shrill robotic voice. It was a human.

"Y/n don't worry, we've got everything under control. You can come back now. We will meet you at the grand- cave in Northhorn, there's something important we have to tell you. Be prepared for bad news. Be careful on your way, they are everywhere", the voice said. It sounded like an elderly woman. She had a worried undertone in her voice... I wonder if she is my mother... she sounds so familiar.

"So... Do you know who that is?", Turkey, who was sitting opposite me with a cup of tea in his hands, asked. He was wearing a basic black shirt with a black pair of straight jeans.

That was a good question.

"I think I remember the voice of that woman. I feel like I've known her since my childhood. But I am not sure if she is my mother. I think I might have lost my memory...", I answered him while looking onto the floor. I felt everyone's eyes on me. When I looked up some people had sympathy in their eyes, but others just went back to their conversation.

After that nothing really interesting happened. We all just sat there and waited for another „call".

I looked around and found out I was in a forest. With huge trees, and a breathtaking nature. I could see and smell beautiful flowers and hear birds chirping everywhere. How did this happen? Where did everyone go? I swear I saw Finland coming up to me a minute ago... Or did I fall asleep? Am I dreaming?

I suddenly hear the voice of a little girl. She was singing a song. It was a nice little melody. I wonder what song it was. I think I know this melody from somewhere,but where...?

The girl is moving to my dirction and after a while I could see her. She had (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. Just like me.

Her clothes were dirty and teared. They looked really old.

I was in a trance while looking at her. She looks familiar... Both of us didn't realised, that there was an abyss right in front of her.

The little girl fell right into it.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?", I shouted but seems like the little girl didn't hear me.

So I climbed into the cave right after her.

"Hey. Are you okay?" I tried to ask her again. But I still didn't get a response. She didn't even react. She just looked atound the cave and went further inside.

The cave itself was very big, dark and wet. But that girl didn't seem like she was scared. She was looking around in the big cave. The cave was huge it had bushes, trees and shining flower like things growing inside of it.

After a while of walking around the big cave and exploring it, she stoped at a huge metal door. That door didn't seem like it belongs here. It had red lights on it and a red platform in front of it.

The little girl stepped closer to the door until she reached the platform. Suddenly the platform started to lighten up and a robotic feminine voice started talking" Scan started, please stand still on the platform until the scan is fulfilled" So that „thing" started to scan the little girl. Halfway through the red laser the girl got scared and stepped back.
She panicked a bit but after a while she collected all her courage to step back onto the platform to restart the scan.
After the scan the female voice announced: „Authorised access. Welcome back Linda. It has been 54.754 days since you last checked in."

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