Chapter 6

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The huge door opened and a strong light shone into the little girl's face. She held her hand infront of her face to block out the bright light and slowly started to step forward. There was a strong smell of iron coming from the room. She looked around and found herself in a dim room, where the only lights came from the many computers and machines that were everywhere inside of it and probably the following rooms. The cables, that were hanging from the low roof, were glowing. The glowing part of the thick cables kind of looked like veins, but the blue light coming off of them and the machines were soothing. If only the room itself didn't make a scary impression. Even though the little girl was scared she wanted to see more of the new place she found.

She looked so stout. The more I look at her, the more I have the feeling, that I am caught in a dream, watching my younger self. I have the feeling of a dejavu, like I am living through this moment again.

Before I knew it she started to look around. In the first room she couldn't really find anything interesting. The second room was also very empty but there was a huge hole.
The girl looked around to find a way of getting to the other side of the hole. She found a branch and went to one of the big cables. She used the branch to slide over to the other side with the help of the cable. It was jut like in the movies where they slide from building to building. On her way down, she got a few small cuts and one bigger cut on her left arm, because of the branches around the thick cable. I quickly checked my own arm to check, if this little girl could really be my little self.

And there it was, a faint scar on the exact same spot as the little girl cut her arm. So she really is my younger self... at least I am slowly starting to remember my past...

I don't remember being so brave though...

While I was trying to figure out how I lost my memories, the little girl or little Y/n explored the cave. She found herself  in another room, the room had many bunk beds. Little Y/n went to one of the beds to take a closer look on whatever was on top of it.

The bed was full of dirt, there was a book on it.

Unfortunately the girl couldn't understand what was written in the book because it was in another language. She doesn't know what language it was but she wanted to find out so badly.
So little Y/n grabbed the book and just took it with her.

After a while she went out of that room too. Y/n was again infront of a weird looking door, the door didn't have a normal doorknob, it had something like a hologram, that you have to „touch" to open the door. She needed a little to find that out, but eventually she got it.

She went into the next room and realized it wasn't like the other rooms, the other rooms were small, stuffy and their only light ressource were the weird and really old looking electronics. But this place looked huge, some parts of the ceiling collapsed and there were a lot of trees and bushes growing out of some parts of that hall. There were no big cables and no computers.

In the center of the building there was a big chair, little Y/n had the urge to go near that old and probably rusty chair.

So she did that, she got frightened as she saw what was inside the big chair. Sitting in that chair was a skelett, even though it scared the little girl. She went to further observe the skeleton. Y/n saw a box in the skelett's lap and grabbed it.

As she took the box from that skeletons lap it moved and she became frightened for a moment, but calmed down seconds after.

The box had the same light as the little „veins" of the cables and the lights of the machines and computers. She held it inside her small hands and tried to open it, after a while of trying to open the box she did it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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