If Lost, Return to Phil by thatsmistertoyou (Phan)

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Title: If Lost, Return to Phil

Author: thatsmistertoyou (tumblr), bear0702 (AO3)

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences (some smut at the end)

Word count: 53k

Pairing: Dan Howell (danisnotonfire)/Phil Lester (AmazingPhil)

Summary: Dan and Phil are friends with benefits, which always works until it doesn't. Dan wishes things could be different, and gets more than he bargained for.


Okay yeah sorry I haven't updated this thing in a while, but basically, this has got to be one of my favorite Phanfics (if not just fanfics in general) of all time.

This is set in 2014, and it's sort of non-AU, since Dan and Phil are still YouTubers and everything. Dan is suffering from an existential crisis and wanting to be more than just Phil's friend while simultaneously thinking that he is not good enough for Phil. Some things happen in Part 1 that lead to Dan making a wish...and then waking up the next morning to find that that wish seems to have come true, and he is now living in 2021.

This plot is so wonderfully unique and creative, and I loved every second of it. The fic had the perfect balance of angst and fluff, and it was very realistic (all time-traveling and wish-making aside). The female character Lucy was great, and so was the whole Romeo and Juliet aspect, with future!Dan being a famous actor playing as Romeo at the Globe Theatre. I loved all the things about love and the stars and everything. This story was funny, charming, emotional, and addicting. I actually miss reading it and constantly wondering how things were going to turn out for our star-crossed lovers. (Ha, ha. That joke is funny on multiple levels.)

In short: Go. Read it. Now.


Tumblr: http://sassmasterlester.co.vu/private/88804814030/tumblr_n76ni7Xlvu1qm9ypw

AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/1455517/chapters/3065047

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