Our Comedies Are Not To Be Laughed At by adellyna and maleyka (multi-ship)

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Title: Our Comedies Are Not To Be Laughed At

Authors: adellyna and maleyka

Rating: PG-13 for the most part, NC-17 overall

Word count: 30k

Pairing: Frank Iero/Gerard Way, Bob Bryar/Spencer Smith, Pete Wentz/Patrick Stump, etc.

Summary: Bands? What bands? Everyone's in film school!


So a bunch of people from bands (members of MCR, FOB, P!ATD, and The Academy Is... plus some other people) are all in film school. The bands do not exist. Instead, they are all supposed to work together for a final film project, in the form of a horror movie. Shit happens.

I read this a while back, so I don't remember as much about it, but I remember that I loved it. So much that I read it all in one day. I loved this AU (we desperately need more like this), I loved the plot and the humor...I originally came solely for the Frerard (as I found this fic mentioned on a Frerard rec list), but I ended up loving the whole thing and even being interested in the pairings that I don't know much about. There was a lot of pining and sexual tension all throughout (the only smutty thing I remember is a Frerard scene that, long story short, involved paint), which was extremely frustrating because I just wanted to make everybody kiss already, but that may have made it even more satisfying when the pairings actually got together. This was a very creative concept, and it certainly didn't fall flat.


livejournal: http://maleyka.livejournal.com/192815.html

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