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"Clouds come floating into my life,
No longer to carry rain or usher storm
But to add colour to my sunset sky"

-Rabindranath Tagore




If I could settle down and build a house, this is the place I would choose. It's so beautiful I want to cry.

And no sir, I am not a crier. Okay, maybe a little. Don't ask Riya for proof.

That's how amazing this place looks. Or maybe I'm just biased to it because of my wings and air abilities.

There are a few wind spirits (the Aurae) with pale faces and glittering robes bustling around us as we look through Lia's wall of invisibility around us.

Yes, we are invisible right now, Rachelle thought it was important not to startle the locals right away.

We are standing on the ground. And I have no idea what it's made of.

But I'm sure it's not ground.

Does that make sense?

It feels solid under my feet, yet I have the constant uncertainty that if I move, I'll fall. I have no idea why. I just feel like spreading my wings and travelling through the air like the creatures around us were doing.

The Aurae have this creepiness about this. They did not make any noise. Just sounds of winds rushing by.

All of them have similar big blue eyes, silvery, metallic coloured hair glistening in the sunlight and enamel white skin with glittery flowing robes covering their bodies, every inch on them. And their wings. Oh how do I begin to describe them? They look life solidified wisps or air with different shades of blue, like the ones in that human... Van Gogh's paintings.

Everything around us is either white, light shades of blue or transparent and glowing. Everything. Even the sky is pale, bluish shade of white.

At least the sun looks the same it did in Neraida.

And everything is floating. The buildings made of white marble are all at least a feet above around. There are little marble steps. floating up in the air where sometimes the Aurae step from time to time. Maybe to boost their speed? I don't know.

Their settlements spread in all directions except for below us. Left, right and up in the sky towards infinity.

"Where do we begin?" Lia asked from beside me.

"Well we need to get to the Palace," Simba said, looking around uncertainly, fear evident on his face.

"And where would that be? These creatures are heading anywhere and everywhere. If there was a Palace, then there would be some sort of trail of people leading to it," Arbor grumbled.

"You make the Aurae sound like ants," Augustine said with a bored voice, making Avalkyra snort beside him.

But Arbor had a point. Usually a palace would have some sort of procession of people leading to it, or some pattern to give it's location away. Like, the quality of houses would get better the closer they got to the palace. Or the amount of soldiers would increase. But over here, all the people and buildings were indistinguishable. Everywhere I looked, I was greeted by the same scene of endless rows of similar looking buildings.

Damn these people don't have to worry about caste system or inequalities or anything?

"You think we should spread out and search?" Meenakshi suggested.

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