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At three miles up, the view should've encompassed Toad Toad and several of the surrounding villages, along with a bending horizon line.

Unfortunately, it was impossible to see anything, as Rainbow Road was, at this point, pushing up into the rain clouds, so vision was bunk save for the now-pouring rain and the odd bolt of lightning. Luigi wasn't conscious to see anything anyway, and Mario, Charlie the Hooski, and one of the toads were a little too busy hauling his unconscious body through the rest area gates to take in their surroundings. On the bright side, they got in a little cardio doing so.

The Three Mile Rest Stop was actually a satellite station attached to Rainbow Road by way of a network of walled walkways, fenced-in platforms, and a giant metal clip. It was mushroom-shaped and had a small veranda where tourists could rest, eat, or take pictures, but the only people out here today were a couple of crazy storm chasers, taking pictures of lightning bolts with hi-res cameras and trying to launch probes into the hurricane-force winds.

The sensible customers were crammed inside, lined up and down the cream-colored walls as they placed orders and picked up their foodstuff at the counter. Mario took Luigi from Charlie and the toad, thanked them, and proceeded to fight his way through the crowd to the stairs. The cafe had several lower floors connected by a spiral staircase. Down here were extra tables for customers, and the bottom level had a floor of glass where you could take in an awe-inspiring view of the ground while you sipped your decaf coffee. Unsurprisingly, all of those tables were claimed.

Luckily, he found a spot on level two, thanks to Daisy. "Mario!" she called, waving. She, a Birdo, and a Shy Guy were crammed in a corner of the balcony. "Need a seat?"

"I need two." He made his way over, dodging a couple of Dry Bones and nearly tripping as Luigi's sneakers dragged the floor.

The Shy Guy frowned at him. "Did you dig up a grave on the way here? What's with the body?"

"It's Luigi," Mario grunted, dropping his brother in the seat across from Daisy.

"That corpse is Luigi?" Daisy cried.

"He fainted on the way up. Eyes just rolled back and..." Mario shrugged helplessly and took a seat beside his brother.

"What a drama queen," Birdo said. "Three miles, and he's already passing out?"

"Was he not drinking any water?" Daisy asked with a frown. "He looks dehydrated."

"He had plenty of water!" The Shy Guy scoffed. "It's pouring rain, for stars' sake!"

Mario leaned Luigi forward and patted his back. "C'mon, bro, wake up," he said. "We're here at the cafe. Didn't you want coffee? Bro? Bro?"

Luigi groaned.

"I've got just the thing," Daisy said. "Wait here."

She rose and went off, and when she returned, Mario, the Birdo, and the Shy Guy were taking turns trying to rouse Luigi back to consciousness. But insults, loud noises, jabs, and even offers of cash and good food didn't seem to be working. That was, until, Daisy stuck a steaming-hot cup of something under his nose. The younger Mario bro was wide awake two seconds later.

"Is that apple cider?" he asked. "Hootin' Tootin' apple cider?"

"The same!" Daisy said. "Go on, drink. Warm yourself up."

Luigi downed the hot drink, while the rest watched on with outward confusion.

"This cafe had a stand at last year's Super Sluggers game," Daisy explained. "They sold pumpkin spice tea and Hootin' Tootin' apple cider, a specialty. I remember Luigi took to this stuff real quick."

Mario stared at Luigi as he finished off the glass and asked, "Do they sell this stuff by the half-gallon? I think I've got some room in my bag..."

Daisy winked at him, and passed him a sealed mason jar. "Got you covered, Mario."

Rainbow Road [Super Mario Bros.]Where stories live. Discover now