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Immediately, the situation turned into a hostage affair: Nabbit swung Luigi in front of him, and banded his ropy arm around Luigi's neck, constricting his air intake.

"Back off," the criminal growled. "He's already black and blue: you don't want me to knock his teeth out, do you?"

Mario and the police toads froze. "Take it easy," Officer Jack said. "Think about this, Nabbit: this place is sealed. My officers are all over the place. You can't escape, so please just give up."

Nabbit cackled. "I've gotten out of tighter spots," he said. "And have you seen this place? I'll have no trouble escaping, thank you very much."

"We've got officers covering the escape pods," Mario growled. "It's no use, Nabbit."

The criminal flinched -- clearly, Mario had guessed his plan B. "They'll be gone when I get there."

"How's that?" Mario growled.

"Well, I wouldn't want anything untoward to happen to carrot-top here," Nabbit said, jabbing Luigi's cheek. "I expect something will if they're still there when I arrive."

Now Mario flinched. "Even with an escape pod," Officer Jack said. "How far do you think you're going to get before we catch up? You won't match the speed of a flying shroom."

Nabbit beamed. "A flying shroom!" he exclaimed. "Now there's a fantastic idea!" He tightened his arm around Luigi's throat -- Luigi gasped and struggled. "That's the deal: one shroom for one Mario bro. Sounds fair, doesn't it?"

Mario and Officer Jack exchanged looks: Jack looked terribly guilty, and Mario was aghast.

Nabbit squeezed Luigi's throat again. "Agh!" he cried.

"All right!" Mario cried, looking pained. "One shroom, and you give Luigi back. Deal?"

"Deal," Nabbit said brightly. "Go on: lead the way."

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