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Magnus' POV:
"My neck hurts" I groaned as I sat up. "My back as well" I stretched my body and a few bones cracked. I looked at my hands and realized that I'm holding my wand. "Ah, they gave me my wand. Convenient" I said and scratched my itchy neck. I felt the marks that the garrote left and I groaned. I looked down at my bloody clothes and I groaned again. I whispered a spell and the blood from my clothes disappeared. I felt the wounds on my neck close as well and I smiled. "There. Good as new"

I looked around and to my side, there was clearly an opening because some light slivered through the cracks between the entrance and what I assume is a huge rock that they used to cover the entrance. I pointed my wand at the rock and flicked it to the side. The ground rumbled beneath me and the rock slowly moved aside. I squinted and stepped out of the cave

"What year is this?" I asked myself as I scanned the view. The buildings were taller, and more decorated, some buildings had very long chimneys that emitted black smoke but what caught my eyes was the very big building, almost the size of a town. I walked down the mountain and saw people walking. They were well-dressed in an ensemble that wasn't present during my time. It means it's been many years, maybe even centuries since I died. I approached a gentleman who was sitting on a bench beside the street. "Excuse me" I called him and he looked at me

"Yes?" He said and his nose scrunched up. "What in the King's name is that smell!" He exclaimed. "And what are you wearing?"

"Excuse me, can I ask what day is it today. I forgot to check my calendar" I lied and he started thinking

"It's my wife's birthday yesterday so today is the 15th of March 1876" he said and I gasped

"Really? My God... I've been in that cave for 2 centuries" I said

"What?" He asked and I shook my head

"Oh it's nothing" I smiled. "Thank you" I said and patted his shoulder. I let my hand linger on his shoulder for a bit as I copied all his knowledge so I won't look like a fool in this new era. I copied his knowledge about new words, new beliefs, social etiquette, history including the witch trial that executed an unnamed witch but little do they know that that witch was me. I also copied his knowledge about the monarchy, new currency which featured the face of the King, and so much more. His knowledge told me that the giant building that I saw earlier than could fit a whole town in it is the monarchy's residence called the Crown Castle.

"You can let go now. Thank you" he removed my hand and brushed his shoulder. I smiled and walked away. Suddenly, my stomach growled and I felt the hunger that I've endured for so long

"How will I get food?" I looked around and nothing around me can help with my hunger. "Do you have any food ma'am? Spare change perhaps?" I asked a woman and she looked at me

"Young boy, I would give you something if you're younger or very much older but at your age, you can work and earn money" she said and walked away. I was about to continue walking but a hand grabbed my shoulder. "Here take this. I feel guilty. You look very thin and I don't want you to die. Buy some bread in the bakery. Bread is cheap these days so you can probably buy enough for a week or two" she said and handed me two 10 crown bills. Apparently, the currency right now are called crowns.

"Thank you very much ma'am" I bowed and she hummed before walking away. I walked to the bakery and what the woman said was true. The prices of the various bread choices were very low and I was able to buy a loaf of bread for just 1 crown. I walked around town, barefooted, and ogled at the buildings that are obviously much more better than the ones we had back in the day.

I walked to the front of the castle gates and gazed at the majestic view of the stone castle. It was big. Like a cathedral but twice as tall and four times wider and it had very thick walls surrounding the big building. Many guards surrounded the area both inside and outside the walls. Some stood by the numerous gates and some did rounds.

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