Magnus' POV:
"Ahh!" I shouted as I fell down on the ground. The soup spilled all over me and my skin burned

"Magnus!" Jaya shouted and ran over to me

"Who is this stupid person? Why was he standing in front of the door?" The person said

"Who are you to call me a stupid person?" I said

"Your Highness I'm sorry for Magnus' clumsiness. He's new here and he needs a lot of training" Jaya said

"I want to hear him ask for forgiveness" he said. I looked up to him and a gasp escaped my mouth. My heart pumped very fast and rage filled me

The Prince looks exactly like Gaspar.

"You're the one who opened the door and hit me. You're the one who drenched me in hot soup and I'm the one who should say sorry? Dream on" I said and Jaya and Armani gasped. "Move" I said and brushed past him and went to my room. I went directly to the shower and rinsed myself.

"Can I come in? It's Aslan" Aslan knocked on my bedroom door

"I'm in the bathroom but sure" I said and winced when I felt my skin burn underneath the top layer. I might have to submerge myself in water the whole say so I can lessen the pain I'm feeling. Or wait, I'm a witch, I can just heal myself.

"Are you okay? I heard what happened" he said

"Aside from the marks, the burning feeling under my skin, and the fact that the Prince looks like someone I hate, I'm perfectly fine" I said

"Can I see" he asked and I slowly opened the door. He looked at my skin and shook his head. "I can't imagine what your feeling right now but from the looks of it, it's very painful"

"It's like my skin is on fire. When the burned parts don't get touched by the water, it slowly gets painful" I said

"I have a bathtub in my room. You can lay there. It'll save more water" he said and I nodded and thanked him. "But the Prince is there" he said and the mere mention of the Prince made me angry

"No thank you. I'll stay here and deal with it" I said and turned off the shower. The burned parts of my skin started to heat up and became painful but I stood still

"I can see the pain in your eyes Magnus" he said and turned on the shower once again. My body relaxed and my shoulders that I didn't know were tensed up, relaxed as well. "I know you hate him right now but you have to say sorry. I know it's his fault and I agree with you on that but he's the Prince and we're just servants" he said

"I hate his attitude and I hate his face" I said

"Don't we all" he said and I smiled. "Come on, let me help you to my room" he said. I wrapped a towel around my self and the burning feeling returned. Aslan must've sensed my discomfort because we started running to his room. When we arrived, the Prince was sitting on his bed and I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I went his bathroom, plugged the drain and laid in the tub as water slowly filled it. I sighed in content when the water covered my body

"What happened to him?" I heard him ask and I rolled my eyes

"He got burned" Aslan said and checked up on me. "Good?" He asked and I smiled and nodded

"Thanks" I said and he went back out

"It's not my fault. I didn't know he was standing behind the door" the Prince said

"You could've at least opened the door slowly rather than barging in" Aslan said

"So what am I supposed to do now? Say sorry to him? I'm the Prince, the future King, I don't say sorry" he said and I rolled my eyes

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