part 2

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"here let me help" luke helps me out the car

"give me that" i take the weed pen out of his mouth and put it in mine.

"my grown babies" joey hugs me and gives me a sip of her liquor

"let's get lit bitches" luke throws his arm around me, the group follows. i sit in the couch when george comes up to me.

"have you seen jap pussy" he sits next to me I look at him

"how did u get a condom stuck grace's-" he interrupts me and takes the pen out of my mouth

"you are high. and it's hot"

"you like everything a girl does to please you" he chuckles as I touch his chest

"it's so hot in here" I began to take off my coat, while george stares at me.

"dude I see jap pussy over there" luke tells george, he puts the weed pen back in my mouth and gets up.

"luke why is it so hot in there" he covers me up

"no.. please" he takes pen out if my month and outs it in his, blowing smoke all over my face.

"i want it" he looks at me, and starts tickling me

"no- lu-ke" i giggle, I could see a slight smile on his face. I try ti get up and end up falling in his lap he holds my waist and puts the weed pen in mouth. i blow to smoke and giggle.

"look at that smoke" i blow into it agian.

"ok that's enough let's get you home"

"have a drink first" i give him a shot of tequila on the table.

"remember when the girl u liked stood you up"

"yea how can i not you rubbed it in my face"

"that was funny"

"I'm calling a cab be right back. Don't move kayla I mean it" he puts me in the couch and leaves. i get up and see george hitting on the jap pussy girl i remember she was the condom catcher. I try walking towards them i stumble and knock into a guy. he grabs me by the waist and starts kissing me.

"hey! hey" i try to say between the kisses. until someone grabs me off of them and knocks the dude out.

"she said get off of her dude"

"luke- luke chill dude"

"oh my god did he just"

everything went black.


the next morning, i woke up in a large teeshirts tucked in blue covers. I get up.

"fuck my head" i try to get up I turn around and see luke. I start to panic. he gets up and looks at me.

"it's a a friday " he looks at me.

"dude we didn't um-"

"no we didn't, you got so high last night"

"fuck my head. oh no my dad"

"i talked to him he said it's cool"

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