part 10

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i wake up and get dressed. me and Luke are on good terms, i haven't admitted my feelings. yes i have feelings for Luke. I don't wanna destroy our friendship group, more than Joey and Tim will.

i put my shoes on and head to the door, I see Luke standing there with a smile on his face holding a weed pen in one his hands and coffee in another.

"your dad home?" he asks, he hates my dad for what he did to me with a passion. i never bring him around the house without the group with us.

"no business trip" i smile as he hands over the coffee.  my dads on a business trip for 3 days max sometimes he stays more to avoid taking care of me or my sisters.

"im taking you out tonight" he smiles, we walk down the street.

"where to?" i ask taking a sip of my coffee

"somewhere" he laughs, putting the weed pen in his mouth.


5th period

we had a basketball game, I don't attend dance anymore. i left the team, when my parents got a divorce. i miss it.

"baby you coming?" Joey yells from the locker room

"no, I'll watch. good luck"

"do you know if George said anything about" I interrupt Gracie



"go" i point to the group going out

"oh right" she walks out, I love grace but it's been months since her and George she has to get over it.

I walked out to see them at gym, of course I walked out to see them. I miss dance, I stopped for my parents divorce I shouldn't have, dance was fun kept me distracted from my shitty life. I feel someone's hands on my hips, I turn around and see it's Luke.

"I'm so ready for tonight" he whispers in my ear, kinda turning me on

"your trying to fuck" i giggle


he kisses my neck.

"oh luke friedman" i smile.


I walk home, luke had swimming practice he was still on the team. Joey and George went to her moms and Tim and Anna went home early.

i open the door to see my mom and the cops. I never see my mom, especially with the cops.

"mom?" i close the door. she looks away, as the cops come closer to me.

"are you y/n?" i nod my head.

"your dad unfortunately has passed away" i stand there in shock.

"he overdosed" my dad. he's dead.

"he" he overdosed. i knew he was on drugs. of course I knew. he's a drinker to. I never knew it would've gotten this far, leading to his death. I hate for what he's put me through, but he's my dad.

"we are sorry kayla" the cops walk out, it was just me and my mom.

"a call would've been nice" I look at my mom. she doesn't even glare at me. I laugh.

"fuck you, lead yourself out. I never wanna see you agian" i walk into my room and slam the door. plumbing to the floor, with my palms on my face, feeling sorry that I wasn't there for him even if he treated me like absolute shit


message : luke

luke - ill pick you up at 8:00 <3
delivered 3:40


"kayla" i hear a soft familiar voice say. it was dark. I could barely see anything

"who is it" I feel hands around my hips as I get up from the bed.

"it's okay" the soft voice says, the soft voice was luke.

"Luke what are you doing here?" i was confused.

"your mom let me in, I saw you didn't read my message. you were on the floor and a picked you up and put you on your bed about half an hour ago" he chuckled.

"im sorry I fell asleep and my dad died luke" my voice cracks, he leans my head against his.

"i know" he comforts me.

"i could've helped him"

"he was to far gone kayla" 

"i didn't do anything to help him" he strokes my hair, I didn't know why I felt like I owed my dad something, he never loved me.

"why do I feel like this luke" 

"your grieving"

"he never loved me"

"you did"  he hugs me tighter


"i know" 

"I'm sorry I ruined our plans today" i wipe my tears

"it's okay"  he laughs? I get up and turn on the lights. he just looks at me.

"is my makeup messed up?" I ask

"yes. but"

"but?" i smile

"nothing" he grabs my hips and pulls me on top of him, we look into each others eyes waiting for one of us to make a move. he leans in.

we kiss.

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