Chapter 3

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Somewhere in Coda Village

Unknown girl's Journal

The remains of what used to be the great imperial army returned from the other side of the gate. Instead of bringing back gold and other riches, they instead bring back the body of my father. His face is barely recognizable, with holes all over his body, both his arms are missing too. I have never known my father much, he was already in the army before I was born, and I rarely saw him, and I took his death like hearing the death of a stranger.

My mother, on the other hand, was grief-stricken and cried for hours. We buried his body near the village

They said that the otherworlders were Demons and that they ripped out pieces of men to feast upon their flesh. Most of us brush it aside as the ramblings of madmen, however, their words run like poison through us. What if they are man-eating monsters?

Later that day, my mother called me home. She said we were moving to Italica, where it would be safer. We packed our bags with items important to us and we set out from the village. We burned it down to prevent the otherworlders from gaining anything. Lelei and Master Cato are in front of the line of the wagon trail. I soon fell asleep and I dreamt that the otherworlders dug up his grave in the middle of the night and ate his body.

I woke with a cold sweat, then I reassured myself, No one digs up a grave for food.

Location: ████████

Time: XX:24

"Why are we sending the entire task force through that gate in order to see what's on the other side?" asked ███. "Couldn't we just use drones, or at least, force a prisoner to go through?" 

"Well, we tried sending drones, however we always lose contact with them after a few minutes. As for sending prisoners, we still don't know if the air on the other side is toxic, and they can't report to use when they're dead." Replied ███

"Couldn't we just strap some hazmat gear on them and then force them through?" Asked ███

"There is most certainly an army on the other side, and they're probably monitoring the Gate Carefully. If we send a single scout through now,  they might get the wrong impression that we're weak and push forward, which would be disastrous, since we have not fully mobilized yet." Replied ███

"Understandable. I'm expecting for at least 40% casualties n this mission. Prepare the Death Compensation for the families members of potential casualties, and, make them no more then $10,000."

Location: In front of the Gate

Time: 2:00 EST

30 Minutes before Operation

Mark sat in the APC, waiting for the higher-ups to give the signal. He pulled out a box of cigarettes, pulled one out, and lit it up. Usually, smoking was prohibited inside vehicles, however, the APC was ventilated well enough for it to dispel the smoke, and he wasn't in the Military anyway, so none of their rules applied to him anyway.

He has always been told that smoking was bad by his subordinates, however, it helped him calm down, helped him think. They didn't know the shit he had to go through.

"Just heard that Command has given The Crazies the go-ahead signal. Feel bad for the fuckers, they're gonna get fucking demolished like last time." Said a random Operative inside the Vehicle.

"Yeah, I feel bad for the fuckers." replied another.

Alpha-6 Was the main Mobile Task Force that specializes in crossing over to other dimensions, realities, universes, all that shit. In response, Half of the entire Task Force is usually demolished in a large expedition.

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