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Zak's POV:
I sat at my PC awaiting for, Darryl Noveschosch, to join my voice chat and be his usual self by greeting me and calling me a muffin. I had no clue as to why but I always have adored that nickname that he gave me.

He only calls me a muffin though, everyone else he calls a muffinhead and never just muffin. When we first met he called me a muffin and I hated it at the time but as our friendship grew, I learned to love it and maybe even at times crave it.

I was broken from my trance by hearing a deep voice ring into my ears, 'User has joined your channel.' . . . "HI GEPPY! How are you?" A smile spread across my face like butter being put on a hot pice of toast fresh from the toaster, still steaming a little.

"BAD! I'm doing so much better now that you're here!" I could practically hear him smile when he made a almost unaudioable chuckle. "Thank you, muffin... My day just got a lot better as well."

My heart fluttered with joy, I was glad that I not only made his day better but he called me muffin! I wanted him next to me so I could hug him and possibly... No. That would never work.

"Skeeepppyyyyyy? Helloooooooo." I had snapped out of it yet again and flung my head up to my computer screen. "Oh! Sorry Bad I'm here I just zoned out. I was, uh, thinking." I was a bad lier but Bad can't understand toned jesters so I usually got away with it.

"Oh yeah that's totally fine! Haha, I've done that before."


We talked for about three hours before we both started our own recordings and I epically trolled him yet again in a build battle. It was, amazing! I got my whole building team to come and build for me! Bad somehow caught on just after the second round though.

E hope you enjoyed the prologue!

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