The Name.

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The Arela name is a Greek name for, An Angel or An Angelic Messenger.

Considering Glow is a Werewolf Archangel and a Slight partial Demon, this was also a bloodline family name. Her father was a pure bred strong, fierce, Werewolf from the shadows of hell, and her mother was an enchanting Archangel from the heavens.

These qualities and powerful genes were passed down. To a man named Leon, and a woman named Glow. Both also receiving the father's last name, Arela.

Leon was the first born about 2 years older than the young Glow. Leon was a man of calm confidence. Energetic yet settled, and very generous at times. Although, due to a jealous step brother. Leon was assassinated within a blink of an eye. Leaving Glow without her brother to this very day.

Glow was the second born, 2 years after Leon was. Glow is a woman of calm and settled silence. Normally always lost in her mind and train of thoughts. Even though, her dearest brother was assassinated, did not mean that she was not going to make an effort to seek out revenge. Successfully, she killed off the man that assassinated her brother. Glow lived later in an comfortable lifestyle, venturing off into a new stranded island, and living how in a new world of strange people and chaotic mishaps.

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