What She Is Like Today. {Revised}

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Glow is a tall woman standing at a settled and relatively young age of 6'5" height. Muscular and colored to a soft caramel skin tone. Her eyes are mixed in color, consisting of Navy Blue (left) and Amber Red (right) with the scar going right through it seemingly ending at her collar bone. Glows hair containing the color of a silky brown with sharp golden tips.

She is a woman who relatively doesn't speak much when in large groups or crowds, but will be nice to strangers. If comfortable with a person she will be more socially interactive with the person. A reletavely calm, and care free person with small smiles while also very knowledgeable and enjoys sharing some positivity to those she finds of interest.

Casual attire is usually any form of jeans, mainly skinny jeans. A tee-shirt, shoes normally would appear to be with sneakers, of hi-top length and chancefully boots or so on her feet.

Formal Attire, would be a button up shirt of any color to the event. Depending on the event, she will wear a lengthy formal and classy dress. Glow wouldn't normally have any accessories when she's in formal attire, but if so she may point them out in her own description.

Training or fighting attire would mainly be military camouflage cargo pants, or Sweat pants, and a darkly colored tank top with a sleeveless grey jacket losely over her.

She never normally carries with any sort of holstered weapon, and even strangely none of any secretive blades of jewelry and weaponry or contaminants.

Glow is a very protective person over her Family, and those Closest. As for her friends, she offers her protection but not her complete attention.

Her Blood Brother ( Leon_Arela )

She utilizes something of metaphysicallity where she can recreate exact copies of any object ranging from still to a living being. Realistic copies but cannot be physically touched or felt by anyone other than herself. Reconsidering they are non tangeable creations they can only be touched to the real perception when either exposed/overexposed to Glows physical touch or biology.

In order to create these creations and forms they usually originate from her clouds, mists, and overcast of shadows from her evniorment and melding. She also uses these shadows to variously move though space and time of instant teleportation to wherever she pleases. This form of element isn't very harmful but if seen can be a warning sign of falling right into an illusinary state.

In these Illusinary states, things you may witness will not be real, and can provide the effects of injury when it is shifted into an object of any weapon desired or hostile make-shift being. Then again its within your powerful mind and will power to figure out an escape, and to wonder.. Am I really bleeding? Or actually seeing things from earlier?

Within her nails and her wolf's claws house hair thin parasites. Being hair thin keeps them secretive where you wouldn't know if you have had been infected or not. They aren't extremely contagious, but aren't hard to contract. A single scratch that creates an open wound allows the parasite instant infection into the hosts flesh. The parasite can go within commands of Glows own mind and simple finger movements, where the parasite are like leeches but in a way where it can rest on the surface of muscles and create an intense squeezing and cramping sensation to lock up the movement of the muscle it is near. This can be very painful and will not allow much movement to the area and if so forced movement Is Made, it may simply tear the muscle fibers. If the parasite makes it way to the heart there will be the chance it can latch on to the right larger chamber of the heart and with the same tightening and squeezing to cause Severe heart palpitations and intense chest pains. While also making it hard to do much of anything as the heart may be having the hard time to move blood through the chambers and out to the body.

During certain mission kills or contracts, she would be found possibly carrying around with a large heavy duty Matte Black Sniper Rifle, and/or a very tactically set up of a Matte Black Hunters Bow. While the rifle rests in a black cross shoulder bag, and the bow is attached onto the quiver bag, cross shouldered as well. Even though something about the weapons may feel strange and very demonic for the experienced and supernatural senses.

The wolf is black with stretched patches of gray vertically across the torso and a patch on the chest. She goes by the name Nightclaw and is a relatively much more anti-social to people and will need more confidence in order to become more socialite with others. She is not like many traditional werewolf shifters where the animal lives within the physical being she is rather attached by soul, where it can be harder to force and bring her out to the physical world. Since Glow has managed to perfect the concepts of metaphysicallity the animal roams freely at Glows side and simply tends to show up as a quiet extra eye of protection to watch movements her human counterpart may miss.

Nightclaws and Glows altered forms into an Warrior-like Archangel is a very divine sight. Although, she is a hybrid of a Demon and Angels but not much of her appearance changes.

>The human appears as an angelic warrior extending to a 6'8" height, wing like shoulder armor, a light golden chest plate, back golden plates that surround the tentacle-like Wings that are colored deep in grey almost seeming invariable or like dust to emphasize its appearance, her wings extend out at a massive 7 feet from her back. As an addition a holster for the sword.
As for the Wolf her Fur becomes completely black as only the golden back plates stay present around the softly 7 foot illuminating wings, as the sword is normally ready in muzzle. While wolf stands as the same hight has Glows devine form.

>>Human has much of the appearance is the same as the Archangel, but it's really in her skin. Where her veins become dark and create various dark and chilling branches on her skin, although her caramel skin doesn't seem to pale out. Her one amber red scared eye begins to unpleasantly bleed a stream of constantly flowing tears. And even the scar that trails down her collar bone seems to open up like a fresh cut with oddly no blood flow. While few veins in her face, neck, jaw, cheekbones will eventually pulse a strange light blue in an electronic circuit manner. As for the animal is is simply the same as the Archangel nothing majority drastic just the only thing noticeable would be the Amber eye still endlessly flowing blood. Their attitude becomes a lot more reckless and sadistic, and quite taunting and fearless for death, blood and other gruesomes. Any pain or open wounds inflected becomes numb to them and the wounds seemingly don't bleed at all just remain open cuts.
Although she does pay for this ignorance later when this wears/dies down and she settles.

The weapon mentioned is a long 6ft silver blade with a blue handle cloth wrapped. As a silver wolf paw print keychain would hang at the end of the handle. The blade is quite ancient and can only preform quite deadly crusfictions by Glows hand and other spiritual damages to ones self. If held other than the handler it is just a simple blade that cuts.

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