The Mind Of An Arela.

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Ladies and Gentlemen

Boys and Girls

Welcome to the show
Come on in

We have a lot of surprises for you

I'm your Ringleader

And the show is called:

Welcome to the circus of my mind

Pull aside the curtains that protect it

It opens up into my mind

A little of the opposite

Is something so confined

I'm nothing sorta fine

I am far from relaxed

I'm kinda normal

That's really sad apart from the fact

I've passed struggles

But something that is actually wrong

I've talked about ' em

I've done that in the past couple songs

So instead, I talk about the little fact that I be cuckoo

Or the fact I got screws loose

So different from you dudes

I chop your favorite rapper like nananana boo boo

And dress em up in a tutu

Upload that on Youtube

So ou ou

And that ain't even nothing I be thinkin bout

I'm twisted enough to try to rip your kidneys out with scissors now

I'll feed em to my kids that i dont have, well that depends

Maybe I can feed it to my imaginary friends

That are sitting right beside me

And chilling

Oh did I startle you?

Please take a visit to my carnival

So please get ready for the show tonight

As long as you're with me

Everything is alright

Some things may be graphic for your itty bitty minds so

Welcome to the circus of my mind

Don't be scared everything will be just fine

This will be a crazy little sight for your eyes

So please get ready for a grand old time


Welcome to the circus of my mind

The shows not over, children

You think we'd let the show
End here?

Wait till the full version of the show

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