The past.

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Glows past was not relatively a pleasant one.

When she was just 8 years of age, her mother and father were slaughtered in the comfort of their own home. It was suspected to be her step brother, Eric. Eric was always a jealous man over Leon, his goal was to kill everyone close to Glow so that way he can have the time he has always wanted to spend with her. This otherwise was not happening. Leon abandoned their childhood memories of home and toke Glow under his care, staying with a few friends until they had a chance to settle into a place of settled calmness. Although, little did they both know. Their killer was not far on their trail, he was actually tracking them somehow. No one knows how this man knew where they were staying or even knew what they were doing.

Glow was returning home from her studies at school. Only to return to an empty house, seems Leon had gone for a walk and was expecting her to join him. A fairly peaceful walk it was indeed, until Eric ruined the calm state between the two. Slight blood was shed, Eric’s blade managed to leave a deadly wound over her right eye. Which Glow still has the scar to prove this, descriptively she has it beginning just over her right eyebrow ending down to her collar bone. This brutal wound left traces of poison, that if it was not treated on time Glow may have been partially blind. Thanks to Leon’s friend for being a very good expert in the medical field, he managed to treat Glow’s wound properly and on time. As for Leon, Leon was only harmed with a deep wound infected upon his shoulder blade.

Although there was one particular day, Christmas afternoon. Glow returned home from her studies, running into a trail of blood. ‘Blood?’ she thought as she followed the plots of blood seeped into the snow leading to a distant body lying in a pool of more slushed blood. As she inched closer yet carefully, hoping she might not be walking right into one of Eric’s traps or one of Leon’s not-so-funny pranks. Glow toke a few pausing moments to take in any threats around her environment, but nothing just clean silence. As Glow continued more closely to the limp figure, she had come to realize that this limp bloody was not fake, nor did it react to her presence. This body was her brother. Eric had brutally slaughtered him. This, set Glow off. Glow had nothing to say, not even a tear, a crying wail, a frustrated yell. Nothing.. She just fell to her knees on the bloody snow and examined her brother’s body, with stone cold, broken eyes. Leon was the last of the light anyone would ever see in her eyes.

It toke nearly 2 months to wash away the timeless memories she has had with her brother. It was tough, but she understood that he was always by her whenever she thought of him. Glow was readily focused of facing her enemy, and if she was to die. She was fearlessly ready to die for the vengeance of her family. This was Revenge. Glow had to protect all of her friends from many different types of Eric’s hit man. She had to abandon them. Until the job was complete. Miles, and miles. Glow drove, walked, and traveled through various roads, cities, and fields. For one man who ruined her life. Eric. All the cuts, bruises, scars, and soreness from all her muscles ached. Although her soul was unbreakable, she continued down endless roads. Pain, nor emotions were going to stop her from getting to her target.

 Learning as she traveled she discovered many cultures, and a diversity of connections to Eric. Giving him a place to stay and finally face Glow now and forever. An abandoned warehouse was a fair setting for the two. Things got pretty bloody, and both were pretty equally powerful opponents but Glow was strangely getting much more tired than Eric was. Something was not right. Slowly her legs were giving out, this could not have been because of how hard her body has worked for the past months. Everything was like shutting down, numbing out. Glow soon couldn’t feel her legs, her waist, and her arms. Her body fell flat to the floor. Her torso had become out of feel. Little by little each of her limbs began shutting down. The last thing she could remember was Eric’s bloody cocky smirk and her body being elevated. From there. Everything, went white for a good 4 minutes then black. Glow wasn’t dead, she was just unconscious, this state felt strangely empty. A sudden chill came over her, as she glanced around in the lone darkness. Memories were coming back, holding her head painfully she watched as these glorious memories flew by and seemingly burn into ashes. Her body started getting heavy, reality and gravity was catching back up to her. Glow was awakening from her unconscious state. Warm liquid was present in the palms of her hand, her senses were returning to her. As Glow opened up her eyes slowly adjusting to the dim lighting of the warehouse. Pain struck sharply onto the palms of her hand. Frantically Glow glanced left and right at her nailed in bloody palms. She was hung high onto a stack of crates, and only one man would do such a gruesomely cruel thing. Eric. But pain doesn’t faze Glow, Glow tugged her hand out hoping the nail would slide out but it was on pretty tightly, and her strength was down to Zero.

As Eric watch Glow struggle, Glow lowered her head allowing it to hang as she toke a deep breath to calm herself and focus. Angelic tentacle-like wings filtered out from her back, soon they began to fill in with a soft glowing blue color. Glow pulled at one arm, successfully pulling it out, to the pull at the other leaving wholes in both palms. Landing on the ground softly. A rush of blood and strength flowed throughout her. Eric began to seem pretty worried at Glows state.

Glow arose from her crouched position with a long angelic, almost godly sword in her grasp. Her figure in shadows as took a pretty unnoticed step appearing behind Eric. Minutes later his neck gashed squirting out a heart pump full of blood, as he fell to his knees with his face in clear shock.

The job was done, and this new power has taken a toll. But Glow had managed to live up for her parents and brother. She was relieved to be dead, if that’s where she had to go. Even though, that’s where she wasn’t headed. Glow woke up to a sudden splash of salty water, sitting up quickly to spit it out. She looked around. Only to find herself in an island, almost in the middle of nowhere but ocean.

Today her legacy continues on, in an island, and meeting new people as she goes.

This Is The Horrid Pasts… Glow once lived.      

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