Chapter One.

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I blinked open my blue eyes at my small bed in my wooden house. The year was 1939 and I realized beads of sweat were slithering down my face.

I slowly climbed out of bed, I had thick Cotten blue pajamas that had white stripes slicing thru them.

"Honey.." I hear the murmuring of my lovely wife, Denise. I rush over to her side and bend down on one knee and held her hand together with both of mine.

"I'm right here, sweetheart. Good morning." I smile and take her hand and kiss it. She opens her beautiful caramel eyes and smiles at me.

"Good morning." She softly replies. She looks longingly at the other side of the small room. "Honey, it's pretty hot in here, may you open a window?" She points her small hand towards the two old windows that were plastered in the wall. "Why of course." I said, walking towards the other side of the room and opening the windows letting soft, clean air swim thru our little room.

"That's much better, it's surely a lovely draft this fine morning, isn't it dear?" My wife smiled and started getting up from the springy bed. "Of course." I said. "Oh, I have to go to work!" I suddenly realized time was spinning right before my eyes.

I quickly bathed in our small tub and hurried over the other side of the room, with a towel around my waist to my cabinets. I threw on a plaid shirt and some long pants, I went once again into the tight and compacted bathroom and brushed my teeth, and straightened my brown hair to the side. I finally got dressed and rushed to the living room. "Ok Honey, I have to go, love you!" I said as fast as I can.

"Wait!" She suddenly called as I got into my car. "I made you lunch!" She yells over. "Why thank you my dear." I smile brightly at her and kiss her cheek before waving goodbye, and putting my lunch on the passenger seat.

I take the knob by the door and turn it in circles which earns me with my windows down. "Denise was right, it is lovely out today."

I wave past my neighbors I drive by and park my car in one of the small lots. I take the keys out of the engine and grab my lunch from the other seat that was in a brown bag and slammed my door shut, locking it with my key, I even forgot to pull up my window but I had no time.

I rush in to find my boss sitting there with his ginger eye brow furrowed in a confused, but angry way. "Mr. Miller." My boss said and I flinched of how stern he always was, especially towards me. "Jim." I said nervously, and started shifting uncomfortably. He obviously noticed my uncomfort and he then looked at me sternly. "You are late again, Mr. Miller."

I quickly answered, despite my leading towards getting fired. "Sir, I can explain.. I didn't look at the clock until-" Jim cut me off in a harsh tone. "If you do it again, Mr. Miller, you will be FIRED."

Again, I flinched at his harsh tone, he turned his heel, then walked away from me, leaving me there with a dumbfounded look on my face.


As I was packing my suit case ready to leave, my good friend John walked over to me, a nice suit being worn, his brown hair was nicely gelled to the side, and his emerald green eyes couldn't look better. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Clay." He said kindly, then tipping his hat at me, and walked away with his dress shoes making noises.

I smiled, I loved my friend John, he was like my best friend. I finally grabbed the rest of my belongings and saw my boss give me a look. I waved and exited the building, I unlocked my car with my keys and opened the door, climbing in, I took my case and put it in the passenger seat.

I put the keys in the ignition and hear it rumble to wake. Putting it then in reverse, I turned and put it in drive, then started driving away, humming to a song I remember from long ago, when me and Denise met. My window on my side of the car was still down from this morning and I absolutely loved the fresh air coming to my face. I pulled up to my drive way and put my car in park, I then took my keys out of the ignition and climbed out of the car, grabbing my suit case.

I heard some voices and I turned around to see a young man, about the age of 19, handsome he was, and it appeared he was talking to his friend. "Look what I got!" He said and held up a baseball. "That's so cool!" Said his friend and dazed at it. "My dad got it early for me for my coming birthday!" "Lucky." His friend said. "Come on let's try it out." Says my neighbor and he walked on the other side, he and his friend then tossed and threw the ball at each other. I smiled, then walked inside.

Denise walked up to me and kissed me 'hello'. "I see you took your case home tonight, extra paperwork, Dear?" She said. I loved the sound of her voice, it was like beautiful humming birds. The smell of her was like fine daises, and the look of her was just unbelievingly amazing, I loved Denise with my whole life and I would do anything to keep her safe.

"Why yes, indeed my darling." I said and kissed her back again. She smiled and then wrapped her small arms around my neck as if we were slow dancing.

"I was thinking.." She said to me and kissed my nose. "I want something." She says and smiled. Fear crept on me, what if I couldn't afford it? I had a low salary at work. "Anything, Darling." I said, trying to hide my nervousness. "I want a baby." I looked at her with my ocean-blue eyes widening "Really?!" I say happily. "Really." She says and I smile and kiss her right on the lips.

I absolutely couldn't wait what was going to come up in our lives for me and her.

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