A Broken Hallelujah

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They eventually got out and Tommy had his arms wrapped around Scarlett, who was in a towel. He kissed her cheek.
         "You got a new tattoo." He said.
         "Wesley and Lane's dates."
She opened her towel and he ran his hand down her side where they were. 
         "Why do you get them?"
         "So I never forget the people I loved. And who's fault it was that they were killed."
         "So it's punishment." He said.
He pulled her in and kissed her and then kissed her forehead.
         "Tommy." She said softly.
He looked at her.
         "I feel like we shouldn't...you know...until your marriage is officially over."
He took a deep breath.
         "I agree."
She kissed him on the cheek and walked out of the bathroom. She came back in as he stood there in a towel. She grabbed him arm and pulled him out the door.
         "That doesn't mean we can't share a bed." She said.
He almost smiled and shook his head as he followed her. Scarlett woke up early and started to get out of bed, but Tommy pulled her back.
         "Five more minutes."
         "I'm going to help look for Isabella."
         "I have all of our men on it."
         "I have to find her, Tom. I just have this feeling that she is closer than we think."
         "I'll go with you." He said as he started to sit up.
She pushed him back down.
         "Go into the office like normal. We have to pretend like none of this happened." She said as she got up.
         "I hate when you're right."
She smirked as she got dressed.
         "I'll be in the office around one with an update." She said as she walked to the bed.
She bent down and kissed him and then pulled away, but he grabbed her hand and pulled her back.
         "Be careful." He said.
         "Always am."
         "Seriously, Scar. If he finds you looking for her."
         "And if he does I'll put a bullet in him." She said and then walked out.
Scarlett searched most of the day. She went through all of Jack's stuff and found a note with an address on it. She dropped the note and ran to the address. It was an old abandoned house. Right as she walked in, she had to turn around. The place was completely wrecked. There was blood on the floor and the smell was the worst part. There was a single blanket in the corner with a rope that was attached to a wall. She walked over and bent down to see some little girls clothes. Scarlett put her hand to her mouth and turned around. She walked into the kitchen to see that there was no food and then found out there was no bathroom. She put her hands on her head and looked at the wall. Scarlett screamed as she kicked a chair. She grabbed one of the shirts and walked out. She was so enraged, she barely even realized what she was doing. Scarlett found herself in the church. She sat in the last pew and put her arms on the pew in front of her and rested her head on her arms. She started to slam her fists on the pew and scream. Scarlett stopped and sat back as she looked at the shirt. She put her hand on her head as she looked up.
          "I don't even know why I'm here." She laughed.
          "All the things I've done. I'm no saint. I don't deserve help from God....I'm not innocent, but that little girl is. Save her. Don't do it for me, do it for her."
She paused for a second.
          "I know you're thinking why am I here asking for help. I don't know either. Maybe a part of me thinks this will work. I'm not sure. I've never been a big believer in the unknown. Only what happens in front of my face, but I am here begging you for help. I don't deserve it, but she does. She's only two years old." Scarlett said as her voice broke.
         "He'll kill her if he hasn't already. You put that pain on me. You let me take it, so she doesn't. You take me instead of her." Scarlett said with her head in her hands.
         "Take me." She whispered.
She sighed and grabbed the shirt as she got up. Right as she walked out of the church she was grabbed by several hands and then hit in the face. She broke free and punched one in the face and then elbowed another as he tried to grab her.
          "Get the fuck off of me." She yelled.
Multiple people came at her and she pulled her gun out and fired one shot. She heard a woman scream, but couldn't see because someone else hit her in the face. She swung her gun and made contact with someone's face and then she was grabbed by a bigger and stronger man that she couldn't break free from.
           "You weren't lying when you said she'd put up a fight." A familiar voice said.
           "She's a scrappy little bitch." Jack said.
He gripped her tighter, making her drop her gun. He picked her up as she tried to fight and carried her. Her threw her down and she realized she was in the training ring.
           "You always want to fight, so let's go." Jack said as he held out his hands.
He kicked her in her stomach.
           "Get up, bitch." He yelled.
She slowly stood up and looked at him. She spit blood at his feet. He laughed and then whistled. His two trainers, father, and friend came out and stepped in the ring. It made it five on one.
           "Let's see how tough the New York Mafia is fighting five people." Jack smirked.
Scarlett whipped her knife out of the back of her pants and threw it. It hit Jack's friend right in the eye and he slowly fell. She went after Jack's father as they all stood there shocked. She kicked him and then landed a few punches before the other men got involved. The two trainers took their turn and started to beat her. They hit her in the face and kneed her and then shoved her down.  She tried to get up, but Jack's father kicked her back down.
            "Get her up." Jack demanded.
The trainers held her up by her arms and faced her in front of Jack.
            "I bet your dick is hard, isn't it? This is the only way you can get off." Scarlett spit at Jack.
He laughed and then hit her in the face. She turned to face him after he hit her.
            "I made that right hook." She laughed as the blood covered her face.
Jack punched her again and again. It's like he couldn't stop. He hit her jaw, face, and stomach. He grabbed her and held her up in the air by her throat. Scarlett was gasping for air as he choked her. Her face was starting to turn blue as she lost air and then he threw her across the ring. She wasn't moving. He walked over and bent down beside her. He turned her head to face him.
              "You couldn't just do what you were told, could you?" He screamed.
He started to hit her in the face and head again. Scarlett couldn't keep her eyes open. Everything was starting to go black and she could feel her body shutting down as he kept hitting her.
             "Jackson!" His father yelled.
Jack stopped and turned to his father.
             "Enough. Look at her." He said.
Jack turned to see Scarlett's beaten and bloody face. He gripped her hair and pulled her face up.
             "I hope you choke on your blood and die."
He threw her head down and stood up over her. He kicked her in the back a few times and then stopped.
             "You better hope your lover gets to you in time." He said as he started to walk off.
             "Well done." Scarlett heard a female voice say.
             "Let's go get that bullet wound fixed." Jack said to her.
She lifted up her head as much as she could and saw Grace standing in the corner. Scarlett couldn't hold her head up anymore. It fell back and everything went dark.

Bleeding LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora