You can let go

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Polly, Arthur, and John walked in the office around three and Tommy stopped them.
"Have you seen Scarlett?" He asked.
"No, not since last night." Polly said.
Tommy rubbed his temples.
"Where is she supposed to be?" John asked.
"Here. She was supposed to be here two hours ago. She's been out looking for Isabella all morning."
They all looked at him because they knew something was wrong.
"Go. I'll stay here in case she comes in." Polly said.
"Where are Michael and Ada?" Tommy asked.
"Looking for Isabella." Polly said.
He nodded and then walked out with his brothers. They walked into her hotel room and looked around. Tommy picked up the note that was on the ground and saw the address.
"What is that?" Arthur asked.
"It's an address. I'm going here. You two go and look, so we can find her faster." Tommy said and then walked out.
Tommy got to the address and saw the horrific house. He walked over and picked up the rope and then threw it down. Tommy walked into the kitchen to see the turned over chair and he knew she was here.
"Where are you, Scar?" He said quietly.
Arthur and John were running everywhere to find her. They stumbled upon the church and saw her gun. Arthur picked it up and checked the chamber. John looked at him.
"A bullet is missing." He told John.
John nodded and then looked down to see blood. He patted Arthur on the shoulder and pointed. The two brothers started to follow the blood trail. It led them to the training ring. They walked in and saw two bodies in the ring. They both ran over and jumped in.
"Oh....SJ." John whispered as he bent down to her.
He checked her as Arthur looked at Jack's friend with a knife in his eye.
"Arthur she's not breathing." John said.
Arthur turned and looked at him.
"The fuck did you just say?"
"She's not fucking breathing!" John yelled.
Arthur ran over and picked her up.
"Come on an ambulance won't get here fast enough." He yelled as he ran out.
"Go tell Polly and find Tommy." Arthur yelled at John.
John ran to the office and busted through the doors. He was completely out of breath and he was mumbling something about Scarlett.
"John, calm down and tell me what happened." Polly said as she handed him water.
John took a sip and a deep breath and started talking.
"We found her, but it's bad."
"How bad?" Polly asked as she got closer.
"She wasn't breathing."
Just then the door slammed and they turned around to see Tommy standing there.
"What?" He said even though he heard.
John just looked at him without saying anything.
"What the fuck did you just say?" Tommy yelled.
"She wasn't breathing, Tom." He yelled back.
Tommy walked past them and shook his head.
" my Scarlett. She's stronger than that." He said.
"Tom." John said.
"You're wrong, John. I don't believe you. It's Scarlett....she wouldn't just....she..." Tommy trailed off.
John walked over and grabbed Tommy by the arms.
"She was beat up bad." He said.
"No." Tommy yelled as he shook his head.
John tightened his grip.
"Tommy!" John yelled as Tommy was mumbling.
Tommy looked at him.
"It's not good." He said quietly.
Just then Esme and Linda busted through the door.
"Michael found Isabella." Esme yelled.
They all turned and looked at the girls, but Tommy was looking at the ground.
"What? Who died?" Esme said.
Tommy's head shot up and he started to walk towards the door.
"Where is she?" He yelled.
"Arthur took her to the hospital." John said.
Tommy slammed the door as he bolted out.
"Who?" Linda asked.
"What the fuck is going on?" Esme yelled.
"Scarlett....she was beaten bad." John said.
"How bad?" She asked.
"She could be dead, I don't fucking know. She wasn't breathing." John screamed.
Esme and Linda started to panic until Polly grabbed their arms.
"Where are Michael and Isabella?" She asked.
"Michael followed one of their men to the hotel and he saw him walking with a little girl. He knows what room..he was coming here soon to talk about a plan with Tommy." Esme blurted out.
"Alright come on. We will figure it out at the hospital." Polly said and they all walked out.
They walked into the hospital to see Arthur talking to Tommy.
           "She's in surgery now, but they said it's not promising."
Tommy put his hands on his head as the group overheard. Linda walked up and hugged Arthur.
          "My God." Polly mumbled.
Tommy ran his hand over his mouth and turned to everyone. Polly grabbed his other hand.
          "It's Scarlett, Tom. She'll pull through."
He didn't say anything, he just nodded.
          "Michael found out where Isabella is." Polly added.
          "Where?" Tommy asked.
Esme told him and then Michael and Ada ran in the hospital.
          "Scarlett...where is she?" He asked out of breath.
          "She's in surgery." Polly said quietly.
          "What...What happened?" Ada asked.
Tommy shook his head and looked at Michael.
          "You found Isabella?"
Michael nodded.
          "We are going to get her...and we're going now." Tommy demanded.
Everyone just looked at him and listened.
          "Ada, you stay here with the girls and wait on Scarlett to come out of surgery."
The girls nodded.
          "Michael, you'll stay too in case anyone tries something." Tommy added.
          "Arthur, John, and Poll...we're going now."
          "Everyone have their guns?" Tommy asked.
Everyone nodded and then Arthur pulled Scarlett's gun out.
          "Tom...we found this." Arthur said as he handed to him.
Tommy took it and looked at it.
          "There's a bullet missing....she shot someone." Arthur added.
          "Good. You see anyone with a gunshot bring them to me." Tommy threatened.
          "Let's go." He said as they walked off.
They got to the hotel and John ran around to the window that was attached to the room. He saw two men and what looked like a child. John ran back to the group.
         "There's only two men and I couldn't see any visible weapons." He said.
Tommy nodded.
          "No shooting unless they shoot first. There will be no killing in front of Isabella. Scarlett would have our heads. Our main goal is her safety." Tommy said.
They walked down the hallway and stood outside the door.
          "Poll, you stand here and cut anyone that tries to come in or run." Tom ordered.
She nodded. Tommy stood in front of his brothers with his gun in his hand. He looked back at them and then kicked the door open. John and Arthur ran in and put their guns in the faces of the two men. They obviously were not expecting the raid and didn't have time to react. They immediately put their hands up.
           "Move and I'll blow your head back to Australia." Arthur threatened.
John laughed and pushed his gun into his guys face.
Tommy saw a little girl in the corner. She was standing there looking terrified. She had bright blue eyes, tan skin, and golden blonde hair. She looked like she could've been Scarlett's child. She was starting cry. Tommy put his gun in his holster and picked her up.
           "Shhh shhh it's okay." He said to her.
Tommy looked at the two men his brothers were holding.
           "Where's her stuff?" He asked.
They didn't say anything.
           "If you don't want your tongues cut out, then I suggest you tell me where her stuff is." He yelled.
They pointed under the bed. Tommy reached down and grabbed a suitcase and then started to walk out. He turned back to the men.
           "You tell Jack that we're coming....and hell is coming with us." Tommy said in a low tone.
He walked out and his brothers threw a few punches just for fun on the men and then left. Polly looked at Isabella in Tommy's arms.
            "My God, she could be Scarlett's child." Polly said.
Tommy looked at the little girl he was holding and she looked at him. He could see Scarlett in her face and it upset him. He looked down until Isabella put her little hand on his cheek. Everyone was watching him. He looked up and the two made eye contact and she smiled. Tommy almost smiled.
             "Are there any girls that don't fall in love with you?" John joked.
Arthur grabbed the bag from Tommy's hand and they walked out of the hotel and back to the hospital. They got to the waiting room and everyone stared at them as the walked in. Ada jumped up to see Isabella.
             "She's so beautiful." Ada said as she looked at her.
             "Like her aunt." Tommy said quietly.
Tommy set Isabella down, but she lifted her arms and stared at him. She gave a sad face and then grabbed his pants leg.
             "Up...up." She said.
Tommy picked her up again and she rested her head on his shoulder. All of the girls said awe at the same time. He had this happy, but sad look on his face.
            "How is Scarlett?" Tommy asked.
            "Out of surgery, but she's not conscious. Tommy...they don't think she'll wake up." Ada said.
Tommy nodded.
            "I need to go see her." He said.
Tommy gave Isabella to Ada and Isabella put her arms out for Tommy to take her back.
            "I'll be right back." He said and she grabbed his finger.
Ada put her hand on the back of Isabella's head.
            "It's okay." She said as she walked away with her.
Everyone was looking at Tommy.
            "Scarlett wouldn't want Isabella seeing her like that." He said and then walked off.
He made it into her room and immediately turned around after he saw her unrecognizable face. He took a deep breath and then sat beside her bed and grabbed her hand.
            "Oh what you do to me, Scar." He started.
He shook his head and paused.
            "I don't talk about feelings, so I'm gonna make this quick."
He swallowed hard.
            "I'm not as selfless as you are. You asked me to wake up for Grace and my unborn child, but I'm sitting here begging you to wake up for me....because I just don't think I can go on if I don't see those blue eyes that cut right through me....or that damn smile."
He looked up at the ceiling.
            "I found Isabella...just like I promised. Wake up for her, okay? She needs to know the woman who went through hell and back just to save her. I mean she looks just like you." He said with a small smile.
            "She needs you, Scar....I need you. I'm a fearless man, but the thought of losing you absolutely terrifies me. It scares me how much I love you."
He paused for a while as he looked at her. He gripped her hand tighter.
            "If you're tired of fighting it's can let go. It'll hurt like hell, but if you can't fight's okay. You can let go." He said as his voice broke.
            "I love you, Scarlett Jade."
Polly was standing at the door. She heard the last few parts of what he said. She cleared her throat as she wiped a tear. Tommy turned to her.
            "Isabella is getting tired, so Ada is going to take her to my house."
He nodded and walked out of the room with Polly. He saw Isabella standing with her hands on Michael's knees as he sat. She looked up and saw Tommy and started to take a few steps his way and lifted her arms as she smiled. He picked her up as she made a happy noise. Everyone looked at him.
             "I can't leave Scarlett."
             "Isabella will be in good hands, Tom. We are all staying with her at Polly's." Ada reassured.
             "I promise we won't let anything happen to her, brother." Arthur said.
Tommy nodded. Tommy gave Isabella to Ada. Ada waved at Tommy and Isabella copied her.
             "Bye bye." She said in her sweet voice.
Tommy stared at her and Polly could see him unfolding.
             "Alright go put her to bed. We will see you tomorrow." Polly said.
Everyone started to walk out. Arthur and John patted Tommy on the shoulder and then left. Tommy let his head hang and then Polly just pulled him into a hug.
             "I just got her back, Poll. She can't..."

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