Bruises fade. My love won't.

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Tommy fell asleep with his head on the bed with Scarlett's hand in his hair. The doctor knocked on the door and came in, waking the two up.
"Ms. Capone, are you ready to go home today?" He asked.
She nodded as Tommy sat up.
"I'm going to do my last examination and if everything is good, then you will be discharged."
He examined her stitches and bruises. He did a few tests to check her head and then he moved down to the throat. He lightly pressed.
"Your throat will heal, but your voice may never fully heal." He said.
She looked at Tommy.
"I like your raspy voice." He reassured her.
"Alright I'm going to help you stand up so I can look at the bruises on your back." The doctor said.
She winced as she sat up, but didn't have any trouble standing up. Her legs weren't injured. He checked her back.
"Everything looks good. We are sending you home with pain medicine and I've been told you were a trained nurse, so you'll know if you have to come back." He said.
Just then Polly, Arthur, and John walked in. The doctor turned to them.
"Can we take her home?" Polly asked.
"Yes, she is good to go." He said and then walked out.
Polly sat Scarlett's clothes on the bed.
"You want me to help her or do you want to do it?" Polly asked Tommy.
"I can do it." He said.
Polly nodded and walked out with the two other boys. Tommy closed the blinds and the door and then walked over to Scarlett. They made eye contact as he grabbed her clothes.
"I don't need help." She said quietly.
"Scarlett, everybody needs help sometimes." He said as he pushed a piece of hair behind her ear.
He looked at her.
"I don't...I don't want you to see my body like this." She said and then looked down.
He lifted her chin up so they could make eye contact.
"Scarlett, you're beautiful. Nothing will ever change that, okay? I don't love you for your body. I love you for who you are."
She looked at him.
"The bruises will fade, but my love won't." He added.
She gave a small smile and closed her eyes. He softly ran his hand over her face.
"Let's get you home." He said.
He helped her get dressed. She was wearing a black, maxi slip dress, so it would be loose on her body. She started to bend down to put her heels on, but stopped. It was too painful because of all the bruises on her stomach and back. She threw her head back and took a deep breath.
"I can't even put my own shoes on." She sighed.
Tommy grabbed her shoes and she stuck her foot out as she held onto his shoulders. He put them on and then looked up at her.
"I feel like royalty." She joked.
He helped her put her jacket on.
"You are." He whispered.
Polly knocked on the door and came in with Arthur and John behind her. A nurse rolled a wheelchair in the room and Scarlett looked at everyone.
"Seriously." She said as she crossed her arms.
She shook her head.
"No. I will not be rolled out of here." She said.
Everyone looked at her.
"But Ms. Capone." The nurse started.
"No. They have taken enough from me. They won't take this. I'm walking out of here." She said as she walked past them.
They all looked at Tommy and he shrugged his shoulders.
"You heard her."
They followed Scarlett out and Tommy caught up with her. He looked at her and she held his arm as they walked. They made it outside of Polly's house, but Tommy opened the door to the house beside hers. Scarlett gave him a weird look as Polly, John, and Arthur walked in.
"What are we doing? This isn't Polly's house."
"Because it's ours." He said.
She turned and looked at him.
"Temporarily. When Grace moves out, we will move in there...or I'll buy us a new house...whatever you want." He said.
She smiled and rubbed his arm.
"Why couldn't we just stay at Polly's until then?" She asked.
"You'll see." He said as they walked into the kitchen.
"All of our stuff is here and there are catalogs for you to order stuff for one of the rooms." He added.
She gave him a weird look.
"What room? What is going on?"
He took her coat off and grabbed her hand.
"You're about to find out." He said as he lead her into the living room.
She saw everyone in there smiling and laughing. She heard a sweet laugh.
"Tommy!" Isabella said and pointed.
Scarlett took a deep breath and the put her hands over her mouth. Isabella walked up and stood in front of Scarlett as she looked up at her. Scarlett kneeled down to be face to face with her niece. She didn't care if it was painful.
"Hi...I'm you're aunt Scarlett." She said quietly.
Isabella smiled.
"I don't always look like this." Scarlett gave a small laughed.
"I've waited so long for this." Scarlett whispered as a tear fell down her cheek.
Isabella put her little hand on Scarlett's cheek and then Scarlett put her hand over it. Scarlett looked into Isabella's eyes. Isabella lifted her arms for Scarlett to pick her up.
"Maybe you shouldn't." Polly said.
Scarlett didn't listen as she picked Isabella up. She winced, but she didn't care. Isabella was smiling and then she pointed at Tom.
"Tommy!" She laughed.
Scarlett smiled and turned to Tommy.
"She knows your name." She smiled.
He nodded.
"Go...go sit down and enjoy this." Polly told Scarlett.
Scarlett went and sat down with the group. They were all playing and talking to Isabella. Everyone was laughing and smiling. Tommy and Polly stood back and watched as Scarlett interacted with her niece. He gave a closed mouth smile. Polly rubbed his arm.
"You might just get everything you want." She said.
"I already have." He said as he looked at Scarlett smile.
He walked and sat down on the couch beside Scarlett. Everyone talked for a while and enjoyed each other's company. Polly and Linda cooked dinner for everyone. They all sat at the table and ate. Scarlett just admired everyone eating and laughing. Everyone was here. Everyone was safe and everyone seemed happy. Dinner was finished and the girls were cleaning up as the men were entertaining Isabella and Karl.
"Thank you guys for everything. Taking care of Isabella....and Tommy, and then helping put this house together." Scarlett said.
All of the girls smiled.
"I'm just thankful that we aren't telling Isabella how great her aunt was. I'm glad you're here for her to see herself." Ada smiled.
"And who else would we get to buy our dresses." Esme joked.
Scarlett smiled and shook her head.
"Anytime you need help with anything. Please call." Linda said.
"Thank you." Scarlett smiled.
Scarlett was standing and watching Isabella with Tommy. Polly walked over.
"How is he?" Scarlett asked.
"Right now...he's on cloud nine.
"How was he when I was unconscious?"
"He shut down quickly, but he never left your side. None of us could get through to him." Polly said.
Scarlett took a deep breath and then looked at Polly.
"If anything ever happens to me, you have to make sure he doesn't shut down, okay? You would be the only one to pull him back." Scarlett said.
"What are you talking about?" Polly asked.
"Just promise me you won't let him lose himself because I'm gone. Just promise me."
"Okay...I promise." Polly said as she gave Scarlett a weird look.
Scarlett was about to respond, but everyone walked in the kitchen and started to leave. Scarlett said her goodbye and thank you to everyone. Tommy was holding Isabella. Scarlett had her arm on Tommy's back as he had his free arm around her. Polly was standing at the door looking at Tommy and Scarlett with Isabella.
"This looks good on you two." Polly smiled.
Scarlett and Tommy looked at each other.
"Thank you for everything, Polly." Scarlett said.
"Of course. It's what we do for family."
Tommy nodded and then Polly walked out and closed the door. He locked it and turned to Scarlett.
"Come on." He said as he walked past her.
He showed her Isabella's room.
"It's right beside ours."
"I don't want to put her to bed yet." Scarlett said.
"Me either."
The two walked in their room and got ready for bed. Scarlett was laying on her good side as Tommy was on his back lifting Isabella up in the air. She was smiling and giggling. Scarlett couldn't help but smile at the two. She hasn't been this happy in a long time. Tommy looked over at Scarlett.
           "We found her birth certificate."
           "Good." Scarlett nodded.
Tommy gave a closed mouth smile at her.
           "Her name is Isabella Jade."
Scarlett widen her eyes and smiled.
           "Wesley named her after me."

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