Nerida [part 1]

15 5 13

[Genre: fantasy]


Ignore typos/errors and enjoy!


"Miss Lewis, I can't spot your name on the list."

From afar, Mr Tybalt observed me, eyebrows raised, hands neatly posed on his desk. He was waiting for my response,and so were the twenty five pairs of eyes. My brain stopped working. I stood up from my chair, as expected to when addressing your teacher.

Mia and Laura giggled behind their hands, bracelets glinting in the ray of the sun. If only i could melt into the earth and disappear forever. I picked the fluff of my sweater and blinked rapidly.

"Miss Lewis...?"

Great. A couple of people were snickering.

"Daia, I don't have all day. Why is your name not on the list for the class presentation?" He asked, pushing his chair back and writing with chalk, today's date.

"I was going to add my name to the list," I lied.

"Very well. What will be your topic?"

I widened my eyes. My topic? I didn't think of anything. I had planned to avoid this presentation as much as I could. The idea of standing in front of twenty five pair of eyes gave me nausea. Taking a deep breath, I glanced at the poster hanging on the wall beside the chalk board.

It stated the subjects we could talk on. It was a wide range of options and most topics were allowed. Everything except politics and religion. I quickly scanned through the options on the poster, avoiding my Tybalt's inpatient stare.

I could talk on...literature? No. That would bore the whole class and get me mocked. Fashion? No, that seems like a lot of girls would have picked that. Maybe agriculture? Well...I guess I could go with that.

I opened my mouth to respond but my eyes spotted an option: crime. The wheels in my brain started to operate. Who says crime says death, who says death says investigation, who says investigation says mostly fail. We live in Crexe after all.

"I'll be talking about a crime case that's been unsolved."

"Ok which one?"

"The Michelle Dondera case."

The chatter in the classroom reduced. It was a very famous case that often appeared on the cover of the newspapers (30  years ago] and was still occasionally talked about today.

"Wow! I can't wait to hear about your theories. Although, if there is any theory involving the government in her death-"

"I know, sir."

"Very well. You may have your seat."

I sighed. The presentation was in two weeks, it would be best if I start mapping out my theories.

Mr Tybalt had started class, talking about the meaning of liberty but all i could do was stare at the boy with short ginger hair in front me. Wayne Crowe. He was handsome. He had brown eyes, a defined facial structure and a charming smile. All the girls had a crush on him. I tried to be different and ignore his presence but in vain. He was just another thing I couldn't have. I sighed again.

It was noon and I was done with school. I would usually go to the cliff and sit on the edge, watch the sun hit the waves, the rocks glimmer, the turtles or dive in despite the cold weather but I had to start my 'investigation' on Michelle Dondera.

Curse Mr. Tybalt.

I sat crossed legged alone on the floor of the old library, bits of newspapers scattered in front of me. It was calm and quiet. No one ever visited the library except old people, of course. And i wonder why. The library is like another universe. You sit, you open a book and suddenly you're transported to a different world. It's almost like a drug. You're addicted; once you start, you can't stop and that was one thing I had in common with Michelle.

Amethyst: A Collection Of Short StoriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon