The Nymph Echo

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Not edited! Ignore weird mistakes and enjoy <3

"My veil!" I shouted.

My maid handed the white lace material to me with a bow.

"Get me Rachelle. Tell her to be quick!"

The young girl scrambled out of my chambers, nearly tripping over herself.

I'd get rid of her after my wedding, I told myself.

I slapped a ton of powder on my face, smeared red lipstick on my lips, and patted red powder on my cheeks. I was trying to look like those pesky humans that he liked so much. I puffed my chest out and shot my butt out.

"Makaria Eos! What on earth?"

I rolled my eyes.

"I look great. What are you going on about?"

"You look like a demon."

"I look like a goddess."

I heard her scoff. "Maybe because you are one?"

Finally, I turned to face her. "I will be," I corrected. " Can you stop talking and help me get ready? I can't have the whole earth waiting for me."

She crossed her arms over her chest and planted her small feet to the ground. For an earth nymph, she was tiny.

I giggled.

Her face fell flat.

We were opposites. While her dark skin matched her dark hair, my skin was very pale, and my hair was nearly white.  I was different, and I loved it. Most of the Nymphs around me were earth nymphs. They manipulated rocks and gems, walk through one, and a few could transform into statues. While I could manipulate light.

However, I felt like an outcast among my peers. Not that it mattered. For the first time in centuries, every nymph would reunite once again. Thanks to me.

The marriage of the last light nymph

Every Earth nymph, air nymph, fire nymph, water nymph would come together. Maybe the mountain nymphs would come out if they're feeling social, but who knows?

Rachelle pushed me into a chair and wiped my amazing makeup away. I kept still while she worked her magic.

"Are you done yet?"

"Shut up."

I twisted in my chair.

"I'm going to be late."

Rachelle ignored me.

I dimmed the light in the room with my mind.

"See? It's getting dark, Rachelle. The night will soon fall."

She ignored me.

I decided to give up and let her continue. She was as hard-headed as our father. Hmm, I really hope he's out of bed.  I will blind him if he's late for my wedding.

When I thought about Tristan, my fiancé, my heart leaped. We were finally going to get married! Every part of me was happy. I was getting married to the most charming man. Not to mention the fact that he looked like the male humans in magazines!

"Finished," she muttered.

I sprung from my chair to admire myself when she turned around and headed for the exit.


She didn't even answer me. When she opened the door, I angled the light to her face. She stumbled back in.

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