Agalope's Cave

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Dedicated to Marykhah77

Have an amazing birthday!!!

And this is where the "interview" has purpose. So, I took your characters and put them into a tiny short story. I would have loved to deliver weird stuff to you at your doorstep but haha...I don't know how to. SO I went with something easier that I can access: wattpad.

That "interview" stuff was just me trying to get an idea on what to write and how to go about it. I'll explain this later but enjoy!



It was dark. Night had fallen and the wolves were howling. No stars, no moon, just eternal darkness...


I became scared. Although I hate to admit it, I was afraid of what was to come, the scriptures were to be fulfilled...but I fear for the future...What is to come? It's eyes, boring into my soul, taking it and playing it as a puppet. I was his subject...Fear's subject...


There was fire everywhere. In the schools, hospitals, markets, houses. Everywhere. I looked at a store window, seeing my reflection...I was the fire.


I could hear them. Piercing, agonizing screams. The kind that resounds. The kind that haunts you.

And then Silence.

Noiseless, painful silence...The kind that settles after a fight, the mocking kind, the painful kind...

And once again Darkness

Its sharp claws, taking me around my waist, slowly pulling me back till I saw nothing, heard nothing...felt nothing...


In a world where Lancon was never king, Manea and Nicholyn never died, Thaeleck was dying and the scriptures were to be fulfilled, Kace was the result of one of King Luis' affairs and Henneh, Rysdan, Nylas, Kace and Valeria were friends.


"And today, we are gathered to mourn the death of our Queen. She was a loyal leader-"

Henneh snickered, along with a few other villagers.

The announcer continued, "She loved her people and did everything she could to feed them. But death has taken her away from us. As we all know, the queen never had an heir or a king. Our queen believed the throne should be passed on to someone worthy, as written in her will."

The announcer cleared his throat and brought out an envelope, carefully peeling it open. He cleared his throat. "And the Queen's last word to her people on her sick bed: 'The land of Thaeleck is withering, no flowers, no grass and no green. The crops are not growing and our animals are sick and lean. Our people are starving and we need help. For the scriptures must be fulfilled, the chosen one must get Persphone's Scepter from a very dangerous cave...Aglaope's Cave."

The crown gasped and soon furious whispers turned into yelling. Amongst the noise, some comments were lounder and gained more attention.

After the commotion died down, the announcer continued. " ' Whoever gets Peresphone's Scepter from the forbidden cave, becomes the crowned ruler of Thaeleck and his companions will be gravely rewarded; one of the queens houses, a treasure box of gold and unlimited water supply alongside bags of money for each of the brave adventurers. The Scepter will return life back to our soil and growth shall commence. Brave adventurers are recommended to sign up for the search at the castle with Lord Prodos' leading. This shall not be a competition but you must work together. only The Chosen One shall return with the scepter in hand, as the scriptures say'. Long live the Queen."

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