Chapter 58 Optional Scene

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Their silence gives way to soft conversation after god knows how long – time is not something either Shayne or Courtney are paying a whole lot of attention to – and soft conversation quickly leads to his hands slipping under the water to trace patterns across her body. There is nothing forceful or direct about his ministrations, but they build her up slowly and make her feel like she's melting back against him. His fingers running across the sides of her ribcage tickle, a little, but instead of pulling away she pushes closer into him so his fingers fall further around to meet her breast.

He takes the hint, placing a soft kiss against the side of her neck as he lets his hands run circles across her chest, ever closer to her nipples until they brush across them and she lets her eyes slam shut. He continues to run one hand around her chest as his other starts slowly descending down her body, over her stomach, catching slightly on her bellybutton.

She isn't entirely surprised when he shifts his hand to the side as soon as he is between her hips, hand running down to her thigh. He's not rushing, and she's okay to just wait and let it happen, for once. His hand runs up and down her thigh, travelling ever so slightly higher each time but never quite high enough.

"You're testing my patience a little," she breaks their conversational silence – not total silence, he'd been murmuring softly and sweetly into her ear as she let out noises of appreciation – when his hand all but touches her labia before descending down again.

"I know," he answers, pressing a kiss against her neck again. She can feel him smirking against her as he stills his other hand cupped around her breast and finally lets his hand move up between her thighs and between her labia. She gasps openly in response, head tilting further back against the bath behind them.

His hand doesn't descend again, instead running one finger slowly up and over her clit. Her body jolts in surprise, pushing back against him away from his hand before pushing forward for more pressure. He adds an additional finger, then, creating a pattern against her clit. His lips brush repetitively and messily in the crook of her neck, occasionally pressing a full open-mouthed kiss or a light press of his teeth against her neck.

She lets her chorus of gasps and whimpers of pleasure out as they come to her, not at all concerned about him knowing how he's making her feel. Despite the long build-up she doesn't come quickly, instead holding back as much as she can to extend the experience. He knows she's holding back, and he encourages it, keeping his pattern just erratic enough to stop her accidentally getting to the point of climax until a particularly sharp kiss against her shoulder changes her mind.

"Fuck, baby, can you let me cum?" she requests, breathless, and his hand against her clit immediately settles into a tighter pattern that has her cumming only a minute later.

"Love you," he tells her, softly, hand moving away to settle on the outside of her thigh. His touch is still hot and intense, but it gives her the space to calm down from her high for a moment before she reaches to the side to trail her own hand up the inside of his thigh.

"So much for me jumping you," she murmurs, not quite able to reach her hand comfortably to his penis, although she feels it hardening against her backside as she rubs against his thigh.

"Oops," he laughs lightly, before moving both hands to sit around her hips and encourage her to move properly into his lap. "I wouldn't hate if we-"

"Yes, please," she cuts him off before he has a chance to finish, moving onto his lap and groaning when she feels him, hard, inevitably pressing between her legs.

"God you're so fucking eager for me," he groans, voice a little rougher as her gentle grinding against his lap pushes him closer to her entrance.

It takes him a moment to work out the angle but as soon as he does, he pushes into her, moaning against her shoulder as his head falls forward against her in response. He can't exactly move much given she's sitting on top of him, but she matches his gentle movements with a slow and steady grind against him. She's teasing him just as much as he was her before –he doesn't blame her, he drew her out for way longer than he usually would – but it still has him vocalising almost constantly, nonsensical murmurs mixed with dirty praise.

He tries to hold back for a while, too, enjoying the feeling of her moving slowly on him and the constant pressure and warmth of being inside her. She moves to a little more directly riding him after a while, though, and it's too much for him – in the best way possible – and it isn't long before he finds himself cumming.

"You're so good at that," he sighs, as she continues to move – although less than she was – against him.

"Mm, you want to move to the bed soon? I think I've had enough in here. And this position is not quite working for me enough to cum – I mean, it is, but not enough," she tells him. He affirms her idea, reluctantly letting go of her to let her stand up and out of the jacuzzi first. He quickly reaches down to pull the plug out and let the water out of the tub as he steps out himself. He takes one of the towels before she can, wrapping it and himself around her.

They do take the time to dry each otherproperly, a little messily, between kisses and wandering hands, before theypull each other into the bedroom and fall down onto the bed and into eachother.

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