Milkshake Hearts Mature Oneshot 1: Fantasy

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A/N: this was written a very long time ago back when I was first writing MH and is effectively just gratuitous smut that was never quite necessary enough for plot-driving to actually be put amongst the story. It's been edited and polished up a little, but it thematically and relationship-wise would still sit somewhere between the NYE part (chapter 34) and the engagement (chapter 49). And as always: this is fiction, about fictional characters.


Courtney had been the one to bring it up, to neither of their surprise. It wasn't that she had any problems with their sex life already – far from it, she was happy and satisfied and she'd almost passed out one time the previous week because he knew just how to drag her pleasure out until she came so hard she saw stars. And, when she'd told him she'd felt like she was almost going to pass out, he immediately switched from rough hands pressing against her to the gentlest brush of his thumb across her cheek, eyes full of care and concern.

"I'm fine, baby, you're just so fucking good at this," she'd reassured him, voice a little rough from all the vocalising she'd been doing.

"Gotta be perfect for my angel," he murmured in response, hand on her cheek shifting to slide into her hair and roughly run nails across her scalp.

Like every other part of their now 6-month-old relationship, that aspect was everything she could ever want. And much the same, like every other thing about them, she knew she could always tell him what was on her mind.

"Hey hotstuff," she grabs his attention in the evening after dinner, physically taking his book from his hands as she sits much closer than necessary on the couch beside him.

"Hot stuff? Really?" he puts on a grimace, eyes following her hands closely as she grabs his bookmark and marks his page. She wasn't that cruel.

"I mean, you are phenomenally hot," she laughs off the nickname, "and I do have a sex question, actually."

"Oh?" he prompts, his attention piqued.

"So, I have this very specific you fantasy that keeps popping into my head, but it's... a little different, because I don't know how you feel about roleplay," she raises a questioning eyebrow at him, hearing the tinge of hesitance in her own voice as she watches his face cycle through emotions.

"I mean, I've honestly never really thought about it," he admits, shrugging before he continues, "some of the cliché ones weird me out a bit, but if it's not like... questionably ethical, maybe?"

"It's cliché enough to sound like a porn plot but it isn't one of the sketchy ones. No age gaps or power imbalances," she reassures, watching him nod and seem to relax a little.

"You want to talk about it then, baby? Because you know I'm open to pretty much anything if it's for you," he prompts, and she can't help but press a little closer to him in response, smiling at how damn sweet he is.

"So like... it's maybe a little objectifying of you being so muscley fitness-dude, but kinda like... the cliché personal trainer or yoga instructor or whatever, and I'm the dumb student that keeps screwing up and you 'help' by fucking me," she explains, feeling her own voice grow sharper as she lets her mind dive into the fantasy a little and feels his hands shifting slightly against her skin, "and I'm talking like, rough and hard, no asking and just do it kind of stuff. And I can explicitly consent beforehand and hell, we can have a safe word if you want, but... yeah."

"You really do want me to be rougher sometimes, don't you," Shayne laughs lightly, picking up on the thread of desire behind her fantasy.

"I mean, you were rough last week and that was when I almost blacked out it was so good... you're usually just as rough or gentle as I want you to be at the time, baby," she reminds him, before her tone darkens again just a little, "but this one is just... I kind of want to just be completely at your mercy and I trust you to only ever do anything I want, anyway, but I just want to feel out of control."

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